God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 284 -

A Glorious Promise To All Of Good Will

BUT THE FATHER of the dead boy would not depart from the Child now, since he had heard that the little Jesus could bring his son back to life again.
Here Joseph said to him, 'Friend, I tell you, do not be insistent; for the Boy has His order according to which He acts,
and you will not extort anything from Him even though you clamored still more!
Go instead and bring your boy into your home and lay him, like a sick person, into a good bed, and tomorrow he shall be better off!'
Upon these words the father of the dead boy finally left Joseph and went and did according to Joseph's advice.
Only then did Joseph have peace and gain time to close the agreement for the work with the builder.
Thereupon Joseph went home again and told Mary, Eudokia and Salome, who came to meet him, what all he experienced on this short trip.
All three were surprised at such wickedness of men.
But the little Jesus said, 'Oh, do not be surprised because of the wickedness of men; for if you were to do that, there would be a very great deal to be surprised at in the world.'
Here Salome said to Mary, 'Listen, my most worthy sister: It is just beyond comprehension!
The little God-Child needs only to open His divine mouth, and wisdom just pours out.
Of what enormous, far-seeing wisdom these words again were.
Oh you more than fortunate mother of such a Child!'
And the little Jesus said, 'And oh you more than fortunate Salome, you who bought a house for your Lord
and now witness how He dwells therein bodily.
'What difference is there really between her who for a short time concealed Me in her body,
and between My rightful housekeeper who shelters Me in her house forever?
Now if a mother carries a child in her body, what does she really do toward seeing that it comes to life, grows and then enters into the world?
Is not all of that a work of God, where the will of man can accomplish nothing?
'And if someone takes a child into his house and gives it a home, care and board forever, say, is that not more?
'Truly, I tell you: Those, who like you will in time to come take Me into their hearts spiritually, they will also be equal to My mother, My brothers and My sisters!'
All deeply engraved these words in their hearts and then quietly and thoughtfully went home.
