God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 297 -

Three Miracles Of Jesus In His Eleventh Year

HENCEFORTH the Boy Jesus remained at home, conducted Himself quietly, was obedient and performed small tasks.
He did nothing miraculous for a whole year - or until His eleventh year.
And in His eleventh year He again worked three considerable wonders, which are briefly told as follows.
In the spring Joseph's supply of firewood ran out,
and since James and Jesus had the most time to spare, he sent them into a nearby wood to gather brushwood,
whereupon both went into the wood and busily fulfilled Joseph's wish.
On this occasion James was very active indeed and little remained for Jesus to gather as James anticipated Him everywhere.
And amid such zeal it happened that James reached toward some thick brushwood, beneath which lay a poisonous adder.
The adder bit James in the hand, and he fell over from shock and fright. His hand suddenly swelled up, he arched his back and signs of death appeared.
At this Jesus sprang over, blew into the wound, and James was immediately restored.
Thereupon the adder swelled up horribly and burst.
Following this Jesus said to James, 'Take your time! Remember that death lies in all worldly labor if it is followed too zealously!
For it is better to be lazy for the world but all the more eager for the spirit at every opportunity.
And therefore those too zealous for the world shall always find the death of their souls in their eagerness for worldly things!
'For I shall seek out the idlers in worldly matters and take them into My service forever; and to those who have worked only one hour of the day, I shall give the same wages as to those who have worked most industriously the whole day through.
Fortunate is every idler for this world; but woe to everyone who is zealous for the world! The first will be My friend - and the second My enemy!'
James remembered these words and lived according to them, and did not take it to heart when he was sometimes called an idler and a loafer;
for from then on he was occupied all the more industriously in his heart and made an infinitely great gain thereby. -
Two days after this a neighbor woman, a widow, lost her only small son, and she wept greatly.
At this Jesus with His James also went there to see the dead boy.
But when He saw the violently weeping widow He had compassion with her, seized the dead boy by the hand and called out,
'Kephas! I tell you: arise, and never sadden your mother's heart!' - And the boy suddenly arose and smilingly greeted all those present.
At this the widow was greatly amazed, and she asked, 'Oh, just who is this Son of Joseph, that He is able to raise the dead with one word? Is He a God or an angel?'
Here Jesus said to the widow, 'Ask no more, but give Kephas milk, so he will become completely well.'
And the widow promptly went and brought the boy warmed-up milk.
Thereupon all those present wanted to worship Jesus, but He hastened away, met other children and played with them in a very wise manner. -
And as He was thus playing, one of several carpenters from Nazareth who were repairing a nearby house fell down from it, broke his neck and was dead on the spot.
At this a crowd of people promptly gathered and pitied the unfortunate one, and there was a great commotion.
When Jesus heard this, He also went over with James, pushed His way over to the dead man and called to him,
'Mallas! I tell you: stand up again and do your work! But nail your laths on better, or you will fall once more.
It does not matter how much you have worked, but how you have worked. For death is always inherent in envy!'
Thereupon Jesus went away quickly, and the man who was dead arose in good health and continued to work as ably as if nothing had happened to him. And he kept the words of Jesus in his heart.
These three wonders followed one another within a short period of time, and all the neighbors wanted to worship Jesus therefor.
But Jesus forbade them this and did not appear in the village for several weeks ...
These three miracles were well remembered and were much discussed in Joseph's house.
