God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 31 -

Joseph Tells Of God's Three Greatest Gifts

AFTER THE THREE wise men had gone to their tents, Mary said to Joseph,
'See, now just see, you fearful, worried man, how wonderful and good the Lord our God is and how he provides for us in an ever so fatherly way.
Which of us could ever have dreamed of anything like that? Out of our great fright He was wrought a great blessing and has changed all our great worry and fear into such great joy!
For just from those who we feared might seek after the life of the Child did we find out that they only brought Him an honor in a manner worthy of our eternal indebtedness to the Lord God,
and in addition have presented us with such rich gifts that for their value we can buy a handsome place in the country for our very own, where we will surely be able to bring up the divine Child in the best possible way according to the Lord's will.
Oh Joseph, beginning today I will thank the most loving Lord and honor and praise Him the whole night through, for He has now anticipated us in our poverty to such an extent that we can provide for ourselves quite amply! What do you say to that, dear father Joseph?'
And Joseph answered: 'Yes, Mary, the Lord God is infinitely good to those who love Him above all else and place all their hopes in Him alone, but I would say that these gifts are not for us but for the Child, therefore we do not have the right to use them as we please.
Now the Child's name is Jesus, and He is a Son of the most High, so we must first ask the above all exalted Father what is to be done with these treasures!
And what He directs to be done therewith that we will also do, but without His will I will not touch them as long as I live and will rather earn a blessed piece of bread for you and me in the most difficult way in the world.
I have provided for you and my sons until now by the blessed toil of my hands, and I will be able to continue to do so with the help of the Lord!
Therefore I do not look to these gifts but only to the will of the Lord and to His grace and love.
'These are the three greatest gifts of God which always give us a mighty blessing! His holy will is the most precious incense to me, His grace the purest, heaviest gold, and His love the above all things precious myrrh.
We may always spend these three treasures quite lavishly, but this incense, this gold and this myrrh there in the golden bags we may not touch without first possessing the three main treasures which have always paid us the richest dividends up to now.
So let us take care of it that way, dear Mary, and I know the Lord will look on us with approval for it, and may His approval be our greatest treasure!
What do you think, most gracious Mary, am I right or not? Is this not the best way to handle these treasures?'
Here Mary was touched to tears and praised Joseph's wisdom. And the captain fell about Joseph's neck and asserted, 'Yes, you are still an ideal human being after the will of your God!' - And the Baby smilingly looked at Joseph, lifted a little hand and acted as if He blessed Joseph, the most devout paternal provider.
