God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 40 -

Mary's Wisdom Astonishes Cyrenius

AFTER THAT Cyrenius arose and said to Mary, 'Oh happiest of all women and all mothers on the earth! Tell me, how does your heart feel, since you surely have the fullest conviction within yourself that heaven and earth here rests upon your arms!'
And Mary replied: 'Friend, how can you ask me what your own heart tells you?
See, we walk the same earth which God created by His will, we constantly tread on His wonders with our feet - and still there are millions upon millions of people who would rather bend their knees before the works of their hands than before the eternally true and living God!
Now if the great works of God are unable to awaken the children of men, how then shall a Child in diapers bring that to pass?
'For that reason it will be given to only a few to recognize the Lord in the Child! Only to those who like you are of good will!
And those who are of good will do not need to come to me, so I might tell them how I feel in my heart.
The Child will reveal Himself in their hearts and will bless them and will let them feel like the mother feels who carries the Child on her arms!
I am very happy, yes immeasurably happy that I carry this Child on my arms -
but in the future all those who carry Him only in their hearts will be greater and happier still!
Do you also carry Him imperishably in your heart, and you will receive that of which my husband Joseph has assured you!'
When Cyrenius heard these words from the lovely Mary, he was greatly astonished at her wisdom.
He therefore said to Joseph, 'Listen, you most fortunate of men on the earth! Who would ever have looked for such truly deep wisdom in your young wife?
Truly, if there really were a Minerva, she would have to hide herself in the depths of the earth from this most captivating mother!'
And Joseph replied, 'See, every human being can be wise in its way from God, but without Him there is no wisdom on the earth.
This also explains the wisdom of my wife.
And since the Lord in times past has already spoken to men by the mouth of animals, why should He not do so through men?
But let us leave that be now, for I believe it is time to plan for the departure tomorrow!'
Here Cyrenius said, 'Joseph, do not worry about that, for everything has long been attended to, and tomorrow I will accompany you to Ostracine myself!'
