God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 49 -

The Great Confrontation

THIS LETTER of Cyrenius finally aroused the utmost alarm in the prefect of Jerusalem as well as in Herod.
Herod and the prefect, named Maronius Pilla, therefore hastily made their way to Cyrenius -
Herod, to bargain down some of his penance, and the prefect, to again be admitted to his office.
When they arrived in Tyre with many attendants, the populace became terrified - for it was of the opinion that Herod would also carry out his terror here with the agreement of Cyrenius.
Therefore they ran breathlessly toward him, prostrated themselves and begged and screamed for mercy and pity!
Cyrenius, who did not know what caused this consternation among the people, was at first shocked,
but then collected himself and sympathetically asked the people what had taken place that caused them to cry out before him in such great fear.
And the people cried: 'He is here, he is here, the monster of monsters who had many thousands of most innocent children murdered in all of Palestine!'
At this Cyrenius understood the reason for the people's fear and reassured them, whereupon the people lost their fear and went their way while he prepared himself to receive the pair.
The people had barely dispersed, when both already asked to be admitted.
Herod was the first to step before Cyrenius, bowed deeply before the imperial eminence, and asked for permission to speak.
And Cyrenius, in great excitement, loudly demanded: 'Speak, you for whom hell is too good to give you a name! Speak, most evil outcast from the lowest hell! What do you want from me?'
And Herod, fully paling before the stentorian voice of Cyrenius, quakingly spoke: 'Lord of the glory of Rome! Too unattainably high is the penance dictated by you - abate me therefore the half of it!
For let Zeus be my witness that I undertook what I did in just fervor for Rome!
I have, I admit, acted cruelly; but it could not have been done otherwise, for the glittering Persian delegation obviously gave me cause to act that way, since it deceived me contrary to its promise!'
But Cyrenius thundered: 'Get thee behind me, wicked liar to your own advantage! I know the whole story! Acknowledge the dictated penance at once, or I will have your head struck from your body on this very spot!'
At this Herod acknowledged the penance, .and that under the threat of losing the right to his letter of tenure, which was demanded of him and was only restored after the penance was met.
Cyrenius then ordered him to depart and received Maronius Pilla.
But the latter, since he had heard the voice of Cyrenius from the antechamber, came before him more dead than alive.
But Cyrenius said to him, 'Pilla, get hold of yourself; for you were forced to act as you did. You must give me important clarifications - that is why I sent for you. No penance awaits you except that of your heart before God!'
