God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 52 -

The Baby Speaks His First Words

THAT CERTAIN SPRING soon arrived, for in this region spring begins in the middle of February.
But Cyrenius decided to leave for Egypt only by the middle of March, which month was usually chosen by the Romans for dealing with military matters.
When the middle of March arrived, Cyrenius quickly had his ship made ready and embarked on the journey to Egypt with Maronius Pilla promptly on the fifteenth of the month.
This time the voyage was made in five days.
On this occasion Cyrenius allowed himself to be received with all honors in Ostracine, since he had to undertake extended military inspections and visits this time,
which required that he be received with full ceremony.
Consequently his arrival caused an unusually great sensation in Ostracine, word of which soon reached the villa.
Joseph therefore sent his two oldest sons into the city to carefully inquire what it was that brought the whole city into such activity.
The two sons hurried away and soon returned with the good news that Cyrenius had arrived in the city, and where he resided.
When Joseph heard this, he said to Mary, 'Listen, we must promptly visit this great benefactor, and the Baby must be taken along also!'
And Mary, full of joy at this news, declared, 'Oh dear Joseph, that is taken for granted, for the Baby is after all the special darling of Cyrenius!'
Hereupon Mary promptly dressed the by now considerably grown Child in completely new clothes which she had made herself and thus in her motherly love and innocence asked the Baby,
'Well, my darling little Son, my beloved Jesus, are You also coming along to visit the dear Cyrenius?'
And the Baby smiled at Mary ever so cheerfully and clearly spoke the first word, and the word was:
'Mary, now I follow you, until one day you will follow Me!'
These words brought about such an exalted frame of mind in Joseph's house that Joseph almost forgot he planned to visit Cyrenius.
But the Baby Himself admonished Joseph not to postpone his intended visit, saying that Cyrenius this time had much to do for the people's welfare.
