God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 54 -

Cyrenius Dispels Joseph's Fears

JOSEPH WAS PLEASED with all this and fervently praised the Lord God in his heart for this most happy turn in a matter which had caused him anxious concern.
But for all that he was somewhat ill at ease over Maronius, for he still did not know just what this friend of Herod was doing here.
While on the way to the villa he therefore went over to Cyrenius without being noticed and asked him in a low tone of voice,
'Noble friend of mankind! Is not this warrior who there walks ahead of you the Maronius of Jerusalem?
If it is he, this friend of Herod, just what is he doing here?
Could he possibly have gotten wind of me and wants to seek me out here and take me prisoner?
Oh noble friend of mankind, do not leave me in this anxious uncertainty any longer!'
Here Cyrenius took Joseph's hand and also said to him in a low voice,
'My very dear, venerable friend, do not fear the in fact former prefect of Jerusalem in the least.
For you shall convince yourself still today that he has a far greater reason to fear you than you have to fear him.
See, he no longer is prefect in Jerusalem but is now, as you see him, my complete prisoner, and will not assume his office again until he is fully healed.
I took him along precisely on your account, for when I examined him because of the abomination in Palestine,
he then stated that he knew you and Mary personally. But as it now turns out, he knows neither you nor your wife Mary!
And that is in fact very good grist for our mill.
He has not been told that you are here, so you must not give yourself away in any respect.
For he only expects to meet a very wise man here who will reveal his inmost thoughts to him,
and that is none other than you yourself! That is why I took him along, as I said before, so he should become acquainted with the wise man in you and be tested by you for his own good.
For that reason he already fears you beyond measure and, judging from his very pale appearance, strongly suspects that you are the man mentioned by me.
From these few words you can be fully at ease for now, and what follows will make everything very plain to you.'
When Joseph heard this from Cyrenius he was very glad, and secretly instructed Mary and the oldest son how they were to act toward Maronius so nothing of the plan of Cyrenius would be given away. Thus the villa was soon reached at an easy pace and the meal prepared, as already said.
