God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 58 -

Joseph Renders A Verdict

MARONIUS THEREUPON said to Cyrenius, 'Consular, imperial highness! Just how should I still be under suspicion of the state as a follower of Herod?
For I now realize that this ruthless tyrant strives after the sole mastery of Asia!
Should I perhaps assist him in that? How would that be possible? With the handful of followers in Jerusalem Herod could at most attack the children of the Jews.
This act of violence has already brought upon him such a rebuff that he will keep his hands off a similar undertaking for all time!
Besides, I was tool of necessity and had to act according to the will of the tyrant because he threatened me with Rome.
And since I know from you quite clearly how matters stand and in addition have no more power in my hands nor want to have any again,
I truly cannot comprehend how and in what manner I am still supposed to be a man dangerous to the state?
Keep me with you as an eternal hostage of my faithfulness to Rome, and you will make me happier than if you restore me to my prefecture!'
These words Maronius spoke quite seriously, and no ambiguity was noticeable in his utterance.
Cyrenius therefore assured him, 'Good, my brother, I will believe you in what you have spoken, for I have now found much earnestness in your words.
But one thing I am still lacking to wholly confirm the truth of your words, and that is the judgment of that wise man whom I already mentioned to you in Tyre.
And behold, this man, this oracle of all oracles stands here before us!
This man sees through you into your innermost thoughts. So let us now ask him what he thinks of you.
And it shall be done to you according to his verdict. If he again restores you as prefect of Jerusalem, then you will be appointed as prefect of Jerusalem even today.
But if for most wise and good reasons he does not do that, then you will remain my hostage!'
Here Joseph was asked in the matter, and he said, 'Noble friend Cyrenius! As far as I am concerned Maronius is now clean, and you can restore him to his place without misgivings.
For we are kept in the hand of the almighty, eternal God - what power shall then be able to rise up against us?'
To this Cyrenius lifted his hand and affirmed, 'Then I also swear to you, Maronius Pilla, by the living God of this wise man, that from now on you are again the prefect of Jerusalem!'
But Maronius said, 'Give this office to someone else, and keep me with you as your friend, for that makes me happier!'
And Cyrenius answered, 'Then be my companion in office as long as Herod continues to live, and only then governor of the whole land of the Jews!' - This offer Maronius gratefully accepted.
