God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 60 -

The Long Arm Of The Baby

WHEN CYRENIUS heard this from Maronius Pilla and also the declaration of Joseph and that of the Baby, he was thoroughly shocked and exclaimed,
'Oh you eternal powers of a most high Ruler of the universe! Have you no more lightnings to hurl upon this monster of a vassal of Rome?
Oh Augustus Caesar, my good brother! Which of the furies did that day bedazzle your eyes when you invested this monster, this outcast from the lowest Tartarus, from the true Orkus, with Palestine and Judea?
No, no that is too much to hear at one time! - Maronius, why did you not tell me anything about that when Herod stood trial before me in Tyre?
According to my jurisdiction I there would instantly have had his Medusa-head struck from his body,
and a worthy vassal would long have been standing in the place of this monster from Greece!
But what can I do now? He has fulfilled his penance. Now I cannot impose another on him, may not punish him further.
But just wait, you old bloodhound, you hyena of hyenas! A hunt shall be organized for you of which all the furies have never dreamt!'
Maronius, Joseph and Mary quaked before the fury of Cyrenius, for they did not know what all Cyrenius might undertake.
No one dared to ask him a question, for too stirred up was his soul.
The Baby alone showed no fear of the powerful voice of Cyrenius, but constantly looked him calmly in the face.
And when Cyrenius' storm had somewhat subsided, the Baby again said quite plainly to Cyrenius,
'Oh Cyrenius! Listen to Me! Come here to Me, take Me on your arms, and carry Me out into the open. There I will show you something!'
These words acted as balsam upon the sore heart of Cyrenius, and he promptly went over to the Baby with open arms and filled with love he tenderly took Him on his arms and in the company of Joseph and Mary and Maronius Pilla carried Him out into the open.
When He arrived in the open, the Baby promptly asked Cyrenius in plainly discernible words:
'Cyrenius, which of us two do you suppose has the longer arm? Measure Mine against yours!'
This question appeared strange to Cyrenius and he did not know what he should answer the Child thereto, for he obviously saw his own to be three times as long as both of the Child's together.
And the Baby said again: 'Cyrenius, you consider your arm to be much longer than Mine.
But I tell you that Mine is nevertheless much longer than yours!
Do you see there at a considerable distance from us a high pillar, decorated with an idol?
Reach over to it from here with your longer arm, tear it down, and then pulverize it with your fingers!'
Here Cyrenius, still more taken aback than before, declared after a short pause, 'My dear little Child, my Life - that is surely impossible to anyone but God!'
And the Baby stretched His arm toward the pillar, which was a good thousand paces away - and the pillar tumbled down and quickly turned to dust.
Thereupon the Baby said to Cyrenius: 'So do not concern yourself in vain about Herod, for My arm obviously reaches farther than yours! Herod has his reward - but you forgive him as I have forgiven him, and you will be better off! For he too is a blind son of the earth!' - These words took all the anger out of Cyrenius, and he secretly began to worship the Child in all earnestness.
