God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 63 -

James Repents His Vain Curiosity

IN THE EVENING Mary laid the already tired Baby into the crib which Joseph had made after arriving in Ostracine.
James, Joseph's youngest son, was the Baby tender as usual and rocked the Baby so He would go to sleep,
while Mary prepared the evening meal in the kitchen.
Now James would have been pleased if the Baby had gone to sleep somewhat earlier this time, for he was very anxious to watch the lighting-up of a triumphal arch outside with his brothers, which had been erected near the villa only recently in honor of Cyrenius.
James therefore rocked the Baby diligently and sang and whistled thereby.
But the Baby just would not go to sleep - as soon as he ceased rocking, the Baby promptly began to stir again and let the cradler know that He was still awake.
This brought the Baby-tender almost to despair, since it had already become very bright outside from the many burning torches.
He therefore decided to leave the Baby for a little while even though He was still awake, so he might gape a bit at the spectacle outside.
But when James thus partly arose, the Baby said: 'James, if you desert Me now, matters shall fare badly with you!
Am I not worth more than the foolish spectacle outside and your vain curiosity?
See, all the stars and all the angels envy you your service which you are now doing Me, and you are filled with impatience because of Me and want to leave Me?
Truly, if you do that, then you are not worthy to have Me as a Brother!
You are quite at liberty to go outside if the spectacle of the world is dearer to you than I.
See, the whole room is full of angels who are ready to serve Me if your small and easy service to Me is burdensome to you.'
These words suddenly deprived James of all desire to go outside;
he remained by the crib and asked the Baby with all his heart to forgive him and diligently continued to rock Him.
And the Baby said to James: 'Everything is forgiven you, but another time never let the world tempt you!
For I am more than all the world, all the heavens and all human beings and angels!'
These words nearly cost James his life, for he became subtly aware just who really dwelt in the Child.
Mary, Joseph and the other four sons now came into the room and sat down at the table, whereupon James promptly related what had taken place.
