God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 72 -

The Lion Of Judah

WHEN CYRENIUS with Joseph and Maronius Pilla approached the villa, Mary with the Child in her arms went to meet the three in anxious concern and quickly asked Joseph,
'Joseph, my dearly beloved husband! Oh tell me, what happened to the young people?
For if such sacrifices always take place here because of the not infrequent occurrence of such elemental storms, then we are not safe either with our Child!
For while He has great power - we still had to flee Palestine before Herod despite this power,
from which I have concluded that in certain instances the Child still has too little power! Therefore it is our responsibility to remove Him from all great dangers!'
Joseph answered Mary, 'My by the Lord Himself to me espoused wife, have no fear on that account!
Behold, not a hair of the young people so ignominiously intended for sacrifice has been touched!
Our dear Cyrenius has promptly given them their freedom and in their stead condemned the three priests who were here yesterday and requested his permission for the slaughter of these young people. The priests are now condemned to a most excruciating death on red-hot iron crosses!
But - among ourselves - only seemingly. Tomorrow morning, instead of the fulfillment of the death sentence, they shall obtain a pardon!
And this rebuke will certainly serve them as a thorough warning, by means of which they surely will no more suggest any such sacrifice to idols.
Therefore, my dearly beloved wife, be wholly without fear and consider: The Lord, who has led us so safely up to now, will neither deliver us up to the power of the heathen in the future.'
These words put Mary completely at ease and her mien regained its cheerfulness.
Here the Baby smiled into the mother's face and said,
'Mary, if someone had tamed a lion in such a manner that the lion carried him about like a gentle beast of burden,
do you suppose that it would be praiseworthy of him while, astride the mighty back of the lion to be afraid of the flighty rabbit?'
Mary was astonished at the deep wisdom of these words, but she did not understand them.
And the Baby again said to Mary, and that with quite a serious mien:
'I am the mighty Lion of Judah who carries you upon His back. How then can you fear those whom I can scatter like loose chaff?
Do you really suppose that I fled before Herod to protect Myself from his wrath?
Oh no! I only fled to spare him, for if My countenance had beheld him he would have been lost forever! -
See, the dear little children who were slaughtered for Me are already happy beyond measure in My kingdom - they are around Me daily and even now perfectly know Me as their Lord forever!
See, Mary, that is the way matters stand. And that is why you should be silent about Me wherever you are, as you were warned. But you may well know for yourself who He is whom you shall call: the Son of God and also did call Him that!'
These words made Mary quake through and through - for she now fully realized that she was carrying the Lord on her arms.
But also Maronius, who was behind Mary, heard the words of the Child and fell down before Him.
It was only now that Cyrenius discovered Mary's presence, for until now he was engaged in conversation with one of his accompanying secretaries.
He therefore suddenly hurried over to the Child and kissed and caressed Him, while the Baby did the same and then said, 'Cyrenius, raise up Maronius - for he is now prepared. Now he may recognize Me! - Do you understand what I am saying therewith?'
