God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 75 -

The Sword Justified As A Shepherd's Staff

QUICKLY LEAVING the place of judgment, the entire group now made its way into the city, accompanied by the three pardoned priests.
When the group arrived in the city at the great square and saw the mighty heap of rubble of the great temple and of the entire, still greater palace of the priests,
Cyrenius clapped his hands together above his head and exclaimed in a loud voice,
'What an enormous change! Yes, only the power of a God can manifest itself like this!
Long periods of time are not needed, but only a nod of the Omnipotence suffices to transform the entire circle of the earth into dust.
Oh men of earth, would you fight Him who commands the elements and they obey His nod?
Would you be judge where the Deity's omnipotence commands, and rule where a slight nod of the Eternal Ruler crushes you to dust?
No, no! I am a fool that I still carry my sword girded about me as if I had any power!
Away, you wretched trappings! Here in this heap of rubble is the best place for you. And my true sword shall be You, whom the mother carries upon her arms.'
Here Cyrenius suddenly loosed his sword and his belt of honor from his body and vehemently wanted to hurl them into the heap of rubble.
But the Baby, who was present at Cyrenius' side on Mary's arms, admonished him:
'Cyrenius! That you must not do! For truly, whoever carries the sword after your manner carries it justly.
Let him who uses the sword as a weapon cast it from him - but whoever uses it as a shepherd's staff, let him keep it.
For thus is the will of Him whom heaven and earth must eternally obey!
Now you are a shepherd to those who are written in the book of your sword,
so gird yourself again now with just honor, that your people will know you as its shepherd.
If your flock consisted solely of lambs, then you would require no staff.
But among it there are very many rams, therefore I would rather add another staff to you than to take the one from you!
It is indeed true: apart from God there is no power, but when God bestows power upon you, then you should not cast it from you into that which is under God's judgment!'
These words moved Cyrenius to immediately regird the sword while he constantly worshiped the Baby in silence. And the three priests were amazed beyond measure at the wisdom of this little Child.
