God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 77 -

The Reawakening Of The Seven Guides

THE THREE PRIESTS now asked no more, for they recognized in Joseph a man who seemed to be deeply initiated into the old mysteries of Egypt which otherwise were known only to the chief priests of this land.
Cyrenius then turned to the three priests and asked them how many of their number had lost their lives here.
And the three said, 'Most powerful governor, we cannot give the number exactly,
but there certainly were more than seven hundred which were buried, without counting the novices of both sexes.'
'Good,' observed Cyrenius, 'we shall soon inform ourselves more closely in the matter.'
He thereupon asked Joseph if it were not advisable to dig out those buried in the rubble.
Joseph answered, 'That is even a strict duty, for some novices could still be alive here and there in the catacombs, and to save these is a strict duty.'
When Cyrenius heard this he immediately had two thousand laborers called, who promptly began removing the debris.
In a few hours seven corpses were pulled out, which were none other than the guides to the catacombs.
Thereupon Cyrenius said, 'Truly, I am sorry about these, for without their help we will not accomplish much in the subterranean labyrinth of countless passages upon passages.'
Here the Baby said to Cyrenius, 'My Cyrenius, as concerns the catacombs, nothing of much use is to be found in them,
for they lie unused for several hundred years and are filled with mud and all manner of vermin.
These seven guides to the catacombs merely had the empty title as such, for not one of them ever set foot in a catacomb.
And now, so you may believe what I am telling you, I will also tell you that these seven guides are not quite dead but lie there in a great stupor and can therefore be recalled to life.
Have them massaged about their temples, chest, neck, hands and feet by robust women, and they will soon awaken from their stupor.'
At this Cyrenius asked the Baby, 'O my Life! If You were to touch them, they surely would also awaken.'
And the Baby answered, 'Do what I have advised you, for I must not do too much if I do not want to bring a judgment instead of a blessing to the world.'
Cyrenius did not understand these words, but he nevertheless followed the advice of the Baby.
He immediately had ten robust maidens brought so they might massage the seven guides.
After a few minutes the seven awoke and asked the bystanders what had happened to them and what was taking place.
Hereupon Cyrenius promptly had them taken to a good inn, while the people were greatly surprised at this awakening and accorded the maidens great respect.
