God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 79 -

A Judgment Is Avoided

ONCE THE PARTY arrived at the sea-shore, where the harbor was constructed partly by nature and partly by the artifice of men, Cyrenius again was considerably surprised.
For nowhere was any damage to be seen, except that all the mythological decorations on the pretentious ship of Cyrenius were as good as destroyed.
At this Cyrenius said to Joseph, 'My very esteemed friend, under these circumstances your sons will have little to do.
See, not one vessel has received any other damage than that - which is quite welcome to me - the idols have apparently been cast into the water, especially from my ship,
with which I am indeed highly pleased for I certainly shall not have any more placed anywhere on my ship.
All praise, all honor to your God for that!
But for all that I shall so reward your sons for eventual little repairs, which will have to be done here and there on the ships, as if they had done something big.'
Here Joseph said to Cyrenius, 'Oh friend and brother, do not overly concern yourself with the earnings of my children.
See, not because of the earnings, but just to render you a good service I would gladly have come to your aid in such a matter of carpentry. But the Lord has helped you and it is better that way, for now you can easily do without my help.
Now that we have seen everything and since it is already rather late in the afternoon, I suggest that we go home again and wait until tomorrow to look at anything that may still remain.'
Cyrenius agreed, 'That is what I think, for I am very sorry indeed for the poor mother, so we must see to it now that we get home as soon as possible!
I shall have a litter brought for her at once, so she may be carried home with the Baby.'
Here the Baby immediately made His presence known in back of Cyrenius and said to him:
'Be sure to do that, for the said mother has already become very tired, since she had a heavy burden to carry in Me.
But on the way home you must not follow your intention to make your way across that certain square of the priests.
For if My mother were to carry Me past there, where by now about one-hundred of those buried in the rubble are lying upon mats,
they all would suddenly return to life, and that would be a judgment for you and all the people which would do great harm to everyone concerned.
But this way they will be awakened throughout the night by means of human assistance under My secret influence.
In this manner the appearance of the miraculous will be avoided, and you and all the people will be spared from a judgment that kills the spirit forever!'
Cyrenius closely followed this advice, greatly gladdened in his heart. The litter was instantly provided, and Mary with the Baby took place in the same.
And Cyrenius chose another route, by which the whole company including the three priests quite soon and very comfortably reached the villa of Joseph.
