God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 81 -

A Great Prophecy For Rome

CYRENIUS, who had also heard these words of the Baby quite well, instantly went over to the Baby and asked Him in a most loving manner, 'Oh my Life!
Then You surely do not love me as much, for when I had You on my arms You never pinched and squeezed me?'
Here the Baby answered, 'Cyrenius, do not be concerned about that - behold, all the troubles which you have already endured for My sake were just so many pinches and squeezes by Me because I love you so greatly!
Now do you understand what I have told you?
For I shall indeed pinch and squeeze you still often enough - and from sheer love of you will be quite rough.
But listen, you must not be afraid of Me because of that, for no harm will come to you by it, just as has been the case up to now. Do you understand me, My dear Cyrenius?'
And Cyrenius, while filled in his heart with the greatest respect of the Child, said in a greatly crestfallen manner,
'Yes, yes, my Life! I understand You very well and know what great thing You have told me.
But just the same I still would also like to have You pinch and squeeze me a little just as You do with Your brother.'
And the Baby said to Cyrenius: 'Oh My dear friend, you surely are not going to be more childish than I am?
Do you really believe that I would love you more because of that?
Oh see, in that you are greatly mistaken, for I could not possibly love you more than I already love you.
Truly, you will eternally never be able to wholly comprehend nor fathom the magnitude and depth of My love for you!
Mark it well, less than a century will go by when Rome will take possession of My citadel in great numbers.
And while this time is still to come, I can assure you that you already stand on the threshold which will soon be tread by many.
But understand - not in the body, but in the spirit in My future kingdom forever!
These words of the Child caused a great sensation among all those present, and Cyrenius did not know what to make of it.
He therefore turned to the bystanding Mary and asked her if she understood what the divine Child had now foretold.
And Mary said, 'Oh friend, if This were an ordinary human being we human beings would also understand Him,
but because He is of a higher nature, we are unable to understand Him! So let us keep all of His words within ourselves, for in time they will surely be revealed to us in their true light.'
