God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 93 -

A Blind Beggar Woman Regains Her Sight

WHEN THEY HAD THUS SHOWN their highest esteem, the three priests returned to their assigned chamber and remained there until sundown.
They spoke nothing, for each one of them reflected on the words of the wondrously talking Child.
Joseph gave God the glory in his heart and fervently gave thanks for the infinitely great grace that he had become the foster-father of the Son of God.
When he had thus given God the honor and the glory with Mary and his sons and Mary had also looked after the Baby,
the baby was again given over to James. Joseph had Mary mend the torn garment and then went out to the acre again with his four sons and tended it.
Mary in the meantime cleaned the furnishings of the house so they might be clean for the reception of the guests, who had promised to return in the afternoon.
When she was through with cleaning, she again looked after the Child to see if He needed anything.
And the Baby wanted the breast and then a bath, and that with clean, cold water.
Mary did all this promptly, and when she had bathed the Baby, a blind woman came into the room to Mary and complained much about her wretchedness.
Mary said to the blind woman, i can plainly see that you are very poorly off, but what can I do to help you?'
And the woman said, 'Listen to me! Last night I had a marvelous dream.
I saw that you had a very brightly shining Child. This Child wanted your breast and a bath.
The bath consisted of fresh water - and when you had bathed the Child therein the water was filled with shining stars.
I then recalled that I am blind, and was not a little surprised that it was possible for me to see all this.
But you said to me in the meantime: Woman, so then take this water and wash your eyes - and you will see!
I then wanted to reach for the water immediately and wash my eyes, but thereupon awakened - and am still blind!
But this morning someone said to me, Go outside and seek! You will meet the woman with the Child, for you will not enter any house save that one only!
Now I am here at the end of my great toil, fear and danger!'
Here Mary handed the bathwater to the blind woman, and the woman washed her face in it and instantly regained her sight.
At this the woman was beside herself with great joy and gratitude and at once wanted to herald this about in all of Ostracine, but Mary forbade the woman this most emphatically.
