God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 95 -

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi

WHEN THE WOMAN quickly saw that Joseph was Mary's husband, she went over to him with the request that she might remain in his house.
Joseph replied to the woman, 'Since such grace was bestowed on you as my wife told me in your presence, and you therefore wish to be grateful to this house, you may as well remain.
See, I have a fairly large piece of land here, several domestic animals and a roomy house.
So there is plenty to do and there is also enough room to live here.
My wife is anyhow of a weaker nature in her bodily strength, so you will render me a good service if you will help her here and there in her housework.
All your needs shall be taken care of, but I can give you no wages in money since I have none myself.
If you are satisfied with this offer, you may remain here as long as you please, but not from any imaginary sense of duty!'
These words made the woman, who was a very poor orphan anyway, very happy indeed and she praised the house beyond measure in which so much good came her way.
Joseph asked her about her birthplace and about her age, and what her religion might be.
The woman answered, 'Man worthy of all esteem, I was born in Rome and am the daughter of a powerful patrician!
My elderly appearance belies my age, for I am since hardly twenty summers a dweller on the earth.
I was born blind, and a priest counseled my parents to bring me to Delphi where I would regain my eyesight by the grace of Apollo.
When this advice was given my parents I was ten years and seven months old.
My parents, who were very wealthy and loved me as their only daughter beyond measure, followed this advice.
They rented a ship so they might steer to Delphi with me.
But we were on the sea hardly three days when a most powerful storm came and drove the ship into this region with the greatest speed.
About two-hundred fathoms from the shore - as he who saved my life often told me - the ship was thrown on a cliff,
and everyone - except myself and a sailor who saved me - perished, and thus also my good parents.
The opportunity never came to return to the city of my fathers. The sailor also died here five years ago and I am now an orphaned beggarmaid in this place, wasted away by great want and sadness.
But since I have found such grace surely by the gods and have received the light of my eyes and can now see my benefactors, I will gladly forget my great sorrow!'
This tale of the seeming woman brought all to tears, and Joseph said, 'Oh, you poor orphan, be comforted, for here you shall find your parents again many times over!"
