God's New Bible

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 3

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
Jesus near Caesarea Philippi

- Chapter 226 -

The Lord's promise.

Says Murel: "Oh Lord! How could that not be clear to me?! For the wine that I received to drink was likewise without yeast like this doctrine of Yours; and I now say to You too that I have completely understood Isaiah this time, for the first time in my life! This spiritual wine had no yeast for me any longer and certainly neither for all those who have taken part in this rich spiritual meal; and from the wine of the prophet which has been fully refined through You, oh Lord, I have now recognized You, oh Lord, quite clearly as well and I now understand how I belong to those who call on this mountain: You, oh Lord, are our God for whom we have been longing, and You now truly help us, and therefore we are helped for eternity! But Moab has also been thoroughly thrashed; it now lies there like empty straw and like the dirt that the worms and flies have gnawed away. Oh, what an unspeakable joy that is for my poor soul which has thirsted after truth for so long, but here was richly repaid for all the efforts that were a burden for the discovery of the purest truth!
Yes, Lord, You alone are our God and Lord, and besides You there is eternally no other! To You alone therefore be all our love in eternity! And also to you, dear brother Philopold, my everlasting thanks; for you first opened my eyes so that I could see what I otherwise was seeking in vain in all the places and ends of the Earth!
But now a great favor from You, oh Lord, from us all! Since You have let Yourself be found by us, so never leave us, Your children, again, lest our descendents will have to seek You for another thousand years without being able to say: Oh Lord, we have found You again! Oh Lord, we have found You again!' This we all most urgently ask of You, oh Lord."
"In My Word, which is My Spirit and My love, I shall from now on remain with the men of good will until the end of the world. You can all be assured of this.
But not ever in this My physical body composed of matter, which I shall finally transfigure in accordance with eternal decree!
For I have through this body taken upon Myself all judgment and death, and this body must for three days be given over to death so that henceforth your souls will have eternal life.
For this My body is the representative of your souls. It must give up its life so that your souls may live, and this given up life will be to the benefit of your souls forever.
But on the third day also this My body will resume life, wholly transfigured, and the abundance of My eternal Spirit will then penetrate you and lead you into all truth.
Only in this truth will you, like My body, be transformed in your hearts and your souls, and you will yourselves take freely and independently the eternal life from the abundance of My Spirit. Only then will you become, be and remain truly God's children forever.
But now you are all only being prepared for it. Listen to My voice and hear My word!
Nobody will ever come to Me in My Kingdom unless he is drawn by the Spirit out of Me. But who is the Spirit? This is the Father of Eternity Who will draw you to Me.
This Spirit has no name, but His essence is love. If you have this, you have also the Spirit, - and if you have the Spirit, you have also Me; for I, the Father and the Spirit are One.
Therefore strive for love for God and for your neighbor, particularly to those closest neighbors who are poor and need physical and spiritual help, and you will awake with this love the love for God, particularly if you do not look at the world and its slack judgment; for whoever of you is ashamed of his poor brothers and sisters for the sake of the world and will flee from them in order to seem to have a respectable reputation, he will not be recognized or accepted by Me!
In short, I say to you: Whoever is ashamed of My poor brothers and sisters for the sake of the wicked world, of him I also shall be ashamed!
But whoever will recognize My spirit also in the poor, I will also recognize him eternally as My child! Let that be told to all of you! But now we want to take a three-hour strengthening rest in this place!"
