God's New Bible

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 7

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
The Lord on the Mount of Olives. (cont.) Gospel of John, Chapter 8

- Chapter 90 -

The Roman warns the temple servants about the might of the Lord.

When we came back to Rome, that city seemed to us like a wilderness, and when we heard that with you Jews there also had to be such men who are teaching the same thing and are capable of doing the same as the strange man in Upper-Egypt did, we left Rome and we settled down here, in order to take more care of our inner man. But in the temple that you have advised to us, we really did not find it. However, we found it a few times with the Man about whom you strangely enough have doubts, but who is accomplishing more than we have ever seen. And such a One you want to track down? Oh, be a 100,000 times happy that He is not tracking you down, because once He will do that, then you are lost for now and forever.
Because, what such true, perfected men can do, that we have experienced and seen with our own eyes. Then what do you want to do for instance if at once He will call a few 1,000 of fierce lions, panthers, hyenas and tigers in your town or just only in the neighborhood? Really, those would eat you up within a few weeks without being able to defend yourselves. It seems that according to some reports something similar had already happened in Galilee, which we can fully believe.
But if we Romans have already the deepest respect for such a Ruler over the nature - what this Man undoubtedly is - then what do you, who are real mosquitoes compared to us, do against Him? If you will not desist from it, you will come into terrible trouble. Of this we Romans are fully convinced.'
When the Pharisees heard this from the two Romans, they did not know what to answer. After some time, one of them who was a bit more intelligent then the others said: 'But can we help it? Caiphas, the high priest, has taken, with the agreement of Herod, this irrevocable decision, and we only have to want what those two want. If we were the only ones to decide, we would abandon the case and calmly wait for the outcome. But nothing can be achieved with our high priest, and so we have to cry with the wolves in the forest, if we want it or not.'
The Romans said: 'Who does not listen to advice can also not be helped. But soon you will remember our words. What such people can achieve, whole armies cannot achieve, for we have convinced ourselves of this. Whether you believe us or not does not matter to us. The sure consequences will sooner or later surely give you the proof that we Romans have spoken the full truth, because we have a great experience in many travels.'
Now the two Romans are standing up and leaving the company because the foolishness and clear wickedness of the Pharisees becomes unbearable to them.
But then the Pharisees are asking Nicodemus why the two Romans have gone so suddenly.
Nicodemus says: 'Yes, to this I hardly can give you a good answer, for I also found it very strange. By this occasion you should not have talked about Herod, because these Romans cannot stand him, not even from a distance, because of the vile execution of John, of whom the two Romans and still many others with them were expecting a lot, and of whom they claimed that also he was certainly a true man. I say to you that Herod is in the eyes of the Romans not popular at all.'
A Pharisee said: 'Do you think that this is the reason?'
Nicodemus said: 'Yes indeed, indeed, precisely. Because I really cannot think of any other reason why they left so suddenly. However, I will tell you something else: beware of the Romans, because you cannot mock them.'
When the Pharisees heard that from Nicodemus, they said: 'Friend, we thank you for your good care and will leave now also, so that we can reach the temple in clear daylight, because the night is always an enemy of man.'
Then the Pharisees stand up and go their way as fast as possible.
Nicodemus and everybody are relieved. Also the two Romans are coming back to Nicodemus again, and are really glad to be delivered of those uninvited guests. Now Nicodemus is describing the third sign to those who are present, and explains it, which is very pleasing to all of them.'
Friend Agricola, tell Me now how do you like this story?"
Agricola said: "This story is so much pleasing to me that I would like to march with an army into Jerusalem and then as a furious lion attack those ungodly and infamous rascals. But it was good that the two Romans gave those wretched people some respect for You and also for us, and I believe that their efforts to persecute You will have somewhat cooled down. I would like to visit those two fellow citizens."
I said: "That will happen tomorrow. Also I desire to see them. But if you think that the zeal of the wretched people from the temple down there to find Me will cool down, you are somewhat mistaken. Outwardly they will show themselves to be calmer, but in their innermost they are all the more devilish. But this does not bother us. They will not be able to do anything to Me, unless their judgment is at the door. But let us now not talk about this anymore. I am asking you now how you liked the story of the two Romans who were telling about the real man."
Agricola said: "I can remember very well how I have heard many times in Rome about this event, and I was very surprised about that. I definitely have to know those two Romans personally. Oh, this story is extraordinary wonderful and beautiful. If only many of such true men lived on the Earth, then all men would be better off. Is this real man now still physically alive?"
I said: "Oh yes, he is still alive and will arrive here tomorrow with his disciples, because he received in his spirit a message from Me that I was physically present among men. He called his few disciples and went on his way to come here. So the day of tomorrow will be a memorable day."
