God's New Bible

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 8

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
The Lord and His adversaries

- Chapter 52 -

Mary of Magdalon and the Lord.

Now Mary of Magdalon came to Me and said: "O Lord and Master, can I also still be blessed and ever receive eternal life? For I am a great sinner, and in Your very holy presence it seems to me more and more that I am too unworthy for Your very smallest mercy."
I said: "Do remain in the pure love, and sin no more. This must be your concern. I surely will take care in your place for all the rest. I have set you free from your impure spirits and I have said to you that your sins are forgiven because you have proven a great love to the poor and now you also love Me above all. However, to whom I say: your sins are forgiven, they are also truly forgiven, but he should no more sin in the future, because if he would sin again, he will set out for a still worse condition than the first one. But I can see the earnest will in you to sin no more, and then you also will remain in My love and mercy. And whoever remains in My love and mercy, has already eternal life in himself, and by that eternal happiness.
Whoever, out of love for Me will do everything what neighborly love requires, for him I also will do everything that lies in My power. And in My power lies not only much, but everything. If you, dear Mary, know this now, then be cheerful and do from now on that which is good. Then I will never leave you."
On this, Mary of Magdalon was deeply moved and fell at My feet, thanked Me and wet My feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. My old disciples thought that this scene took a little too long and according to their opinion also somewhat inappropriate, and they grumbled among themselves.
However I noticed it and said to them: "Why are you irritated because of that? I am already a long time with you. You have never shown Me such love and I have also not demanded it from you. But I say to you now also: wherever My gospel will be preached to the people, this Mary should also be clearly mentioned, for she has proven Me a great favor of love. Remember that also. You, Mary, stand up now and be assured of My full love and mercy."
Then Mary stood up and thanked Me once more, her heart completely filled with love.
Now the disciples asked Me and her to forgive their little impatience.
I said: "Learn to be patient with the weak, then in My eyes you will show by that more power for your souls, than when you will only fight and overcome heroes.
But now the sun has already climbed high above the horizon and the morning meal is ready. We will take it and will then go from here to Bethany."
Then we quickly went into the house and took the morning meal where also our Mary joined in.
After the morning meal Lazarus made up the account and took the profit as well as the other treasures and valuables with him. Seven mules were needed to carry it, since also the treasures of the various converted priests, which Lazarus was keeping, were also included.
Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea and the old rabbi commended themselves in My mercy and love, thanked for everything and went together with the magicians into the city where they had some things to do. The magicians however went to their companions who were anxiously waiting for them. The 2 Romans who lived in Emmaus went with the 7 Egyptians to Emmaus from where the last mentioned ones returned after a few days to their country. All the others who were present went with us to Bethany.
It is not necessary to mention here in more details who else was present, since those were already mentioned a few times during the related events on the Mount of Olives.
Mary of Magdalon asked Me if she could also follow us to Bethany, and she asked Me how long I would stay in Bethany.
I said: "I will rest there for 3 days, for I have worked much, and after much work, one may grant himself some rest. When you will have arranged everything at home, come to us in Bethany."
Then Mary went directly home in order to arrange everything there, even for a few days, because she intended to stay with Me during that time.
