God's New Bible

The Household of God
Volume 1

The early history of mankind

- Chapter 125 -


Adam pondered on these powerful words in his heart, then thanked Me with deep-felt remorse in his heart, summoned all those present, with the exception of Seth, Enoch and, naturally, Asmahael, and said:
"Listen, all my children whom God has given me as far as your body and soul is concerned, but every one with a free spirit out of God. We have come here longing to bring a new, free life to these children who were harshly separated from us through this high, deep and terribly rugged, considerably extended 'Withered Earth-Hand' so that we could not get to them nor they to us. When now and then we looked down through crevices in the rock upon the deep-lying plains, we often discovered that they were teeming with children and their children. And on calm days Kenan's powerful voice could even make my will known to them so that the elders did not shy away from the great detour and came with their sacrificial fruits still before the Sabbath and sighed in front of my hut wishing to catch sight of me just for a moment.
"However, now I and still Somebody Else have come down to them in a miraculous way and, look, there is not a trace of them to be seen anywhere.
"Therefore, it is now my God-inspired will that all of you hurry in all directions from here and search for them for an hour. If you find someone bring him here without delay so that he may inform us concerning all the others. If you have not found anyone, return after the hour allotted for the search so that we may receive higher directions from the One as to what will have to be done.
"And now hurry and perform the task you have been given. Jehovah's and my blessing be with you all. Amen."
And the thus instructed hurried away in all directions and found everywhere a great number of vacant dwellings containing all kinds of utensils. They also found many free domestic animals and quantities of harvested and gathered fruits, but not a single human being. When after half an hour the searchers had been unable to find anyone, they began to shout loudly and call one or the other whom they knew by his name. But all their efforts were futile and they heard nothing but the distant echo of their own calls reflected from the rocky walls rushing down into the deep, dark crevasses.
Some of them even climbed some hills close by in order to maybe discover from there some escapee that had fallen behind. However, also this endeavor was futile, for not a flash of any lagging fugitive brother could be detected by their keen eyes, and also their ears, even with the tensest attention, could hear nothing but the monotonous, hollow roar of the mountain streams rushing into the deep crevasses.
Thus passed the brief hour of search and the children, without having achieved their purpose, despondently returned home, or rather to where Adam was anxiously waiting for them.
As they were approaching, Adam surveyed the group carefully to see whether there was someone in their midst whom they had found, but as they came closer it became clear that they were returning alone.
This saddened Adam and he began to loudly weep and lament.
