God's New Bible

The Household of God
Volume 2

Rise and spiritual prime of the first world empire Hanoch

- Chapter 42 -


After this short speech Abedam promptly turned to the father among the nine poor from the evening, which was called Pariholi and his family Pariholi Garthilli (in plain language, the poor wretches who have nothing, not even any ambition, and who in a happy-go-lucky attitude of trust live like the birds on God's air), and said to him:
"Listen, you My still altogether very poor Pariholi, would you dare, if it be My will, to tell the patriarch Adam with the gentlest words that it is exactly that golden mean, which he has so far not found with Me, which is the smoothest path of My eternal lovewill?"
And Pariholi replied, through and through gripped by immense respect: "O - You - exceedingly - exceedingly - exceedingly holy Jehovah, God and Creator of all things and Father of all Your holy angels and of many humans pleasing to You!
"What other will of his own should the worm in the dust have save that which at all times issues from You? "Therefore, I shall certainly do what Your most holy will deems to be good and surely exceedingly expedient.
"Even this is surely an incomprehensible condescension on Your part and the Golden Mean of all golden means that You mildly ask where You only have to command owing to Your might.
"And that You nevertheless wanted to become visible as a Father to us all - whether we are worthy or, what is mostly the case, surely completely unworthy, in order to show us all the sole, true, most lightful golden mean of all life issuing from You, which leads everyone of some good will, O holiest Father, to Your heart which, according to my still weak cognition, alone is, and will remain forever, eternal life.
"Hence, O You most - most, most holy Father, graciously refrain from asking me in future whether I might somewhere and somehow fulfill Your most holy will, since I am a more nothingness before You, but give me just a command in accordance with my capabilities, and my neck will at all times bow to Your most holy will."
Thereupon Abedam said to Pariholi: "Listen, since you already recognize this yourself, you are quite suitable for a messenger of love and of life out of Me. So go to Adam in My name; and when Adam will ask you why you came to him, tell him what you know of Me out of yourself.
"You may now go; but in the meantime I shall awaken your family listen! - to life eternal.
"And when you come back here, your children will receive you with ready arms. And thus go and act! Amen."
And Pariholi promptly rose and, walking the thirty paces to Adam, came to a stop before him, frozen to a pillar, mostly owing to his great respect for Adam, and also owing to his great taciturnity, for he had a heavy tongue.
He therefore waited in great trepidation for the well-known question of Adam. When, finally, Adam looked at him asking the question concerned (for this was an old habitual question of Adam's), the erstwhile pillar almost turned into a reed for a while and began mightily to wobble and tremble, unable to utter a sound at first Only when Adam thundered the same question at him for the second time was he awakened in his spirit, lost all his former fear and began the following very noteworthy speech to the patriarch Adam, saying:
"Listen, father Adam, you unborn first complete man of the earth, who have taught us all through your children, who are closer to you than the likes of us, that Jehovah, the Most Holy, is God and the most loving Father to us all, Who alone deserves all praise, all glory, all honor, all love and all worship, as well as all sacrifice. How could you now before all your children, who without exception had thus been taught, turn around showing us a completely different face from the one that we ought to be entitled to see owing to your instruction to us all at the time when no mortal eye had ever seen Jehovah?
"Now that He, O wonder upon wonder, grace upon grace, goodness upon goodness, mercy upon mercy, visibly walks among us, teaching, guiding, feeding us and giving us to drink from the flow of His infinite fatherly love, - now that He has come to us most miserable children in the midst of His immense goodness bringing to us dead ones such great promises and, if only we accept it, eternal life itself, - only now do you dare show us how utterly empty was your teaching to us and how little your respect for God, failing to recognize exactly that in Him which has brought Him to us in person?
"O father, do have a change of heart; for you have turned your eyes from Him Who came to us out of the greatest love and mercy in order to save us from the eternal night of death.
"Behold, father, when we were weak you supported us all with your strength. Therefore, in this time of your weakness do not reject our hands either, for we want to help you and put you on your feet again according to the Father's holy will.
"So do turn promptly to Him, Who is in the midst of us all, not somewhere at an immense distance from us.
"O father, behold, He is among us! So turn to Him very quickly, amen; yes, yes, very quickly, amen, amen, amen!"
