God's New Bible

The Natural Sun

Announcements about our sun and its natural conditions

- Chapter 48 -

A temple site upon the sixth equatorial pair

Concerning the temples of these equatorial inhabitants to honour God, they are indeed not of the gigantic expanse of the now familiar highway, but this temple nevertheless is an expression of the most extraordinary masterpiece of artistic building technology upon this equator in aggregate. Two things are of exceptional note in the structure of this temple i.e. the size and height.
Regarding its size, your country Hungary would hardly be of sufficient size to accommodate the structure upon its soil. Regarding its height however, your highest mountains would hardly serve as ornamentation upon its diverse comers and rounds.
Is this temple a building? Indeed not, it is more like the private dwellings upon this belt: a kind of multi-building, resembling a gigantic city rather than a single building.
The forecourt of this temple consists of a surrounding wall of over two hundred metres in height, not square in shape but dependant upon the terrain of the country where it is erected.
About two kilometres inward of this wall at appropriate distances, there are towers of a style which would conjure up the tower of Babylon to you; these are of equal height and exceed that of the wall by two thirds.
Where the ground is uneven, the depressions are filled, for there must be neither an elevation nor a depression upon a temple site and here quite literally, the valleys are made straight and the rough places made plain.
What is the purpose of these towers? They serve the approximate purpose of the great pyramids of Egypt. They are monuments or gravestones at the cemeteries of one or the other diocese, but not for individuals, but an abode of peace for many thousands of people. Its circumference at the base often reaches four miles (GM), with a height of six hundred metres. This tower of course resembles a masoned mountain rather than a tower. There are several hundred of these towers within some temple walls.
Further inwards, about one mile beyond the towers, a great Rondella building rises to a height of two thousand metres. This building has no storeys, consisting solely of arches over which a highway of more than four kilometres width passes, the latter graced with grandiose ornamental railings on both sides. At the places where a pylon of these arches rises, a kind of triumphal arch rises from the highway to a height of a thousand metres. Within each pylon there is a stairway upon which one can reach the road. From there another staircase goes up the side of the triumphal arch to its own gallery, the latter being flat and also enclosed with its own solid railings.
This road over these arches is called the Road of Honour to God, over which equatorial people hold processions in praise of the might and honour of God.
Therewith we have finished with this building, which sometimes has a circumference of between two to four hundred GM miles. Now let us move on for another mile; there you will notice another circle of sky-high towers looking more like obelisks.
From the ground up you see the keg-shaped bases of these obelisks first, which themselves rise to a height of four thousand metres. From their top rises the gigantic obelisks, keg-shaped, soaring a further eight thousand metres from the base-tops. They are surrounded by stairways fitted with sturdy railings leading from the pedestal to the top of the obelisk. These obelisks can simultaneously be climbed by another joint stairway from the base of the pedestals.
What is the purpose of the obelisks? They serve to behold the power of God's wisdom. For these equatorial residents necessarily are also good reckoners, knowing that in a keg there are hidden the greatest mathematical secrets, within which they look for the foundation of wisdom, the reason why the monuments are erected to the honour and power of God's wisdom. Therewith we have also seen this part of the temple.
Let us now go another mile inwards; here we see no buildings but a mile wide ditch filled to the top with water. Over this there is no bridge but there are a large number of decorous canoes on the banks in which to make the crossing. The ditch must not be deeper than a man's chin.
Let us go over the water one mile further! Behold, here the first temple-court looms to dizzying height before us: a sixteen thousand metre high bare, windowless wall stares at us. Beyond that, at a bluish distance, we note regular needle-like white points which are ornamental pillars atop this wall, the pillars themselves being another four thousand metres high, with a circumference of two thousand metres.
Behold, here is a roomy arched entrance for this gigantic building, but we shall not get through this as quickly as you think for it will take up to a three-hour journey of your time to get through. The gate therefore forms a great tunnel and therewith indicates the breath of this massive building. Look at it from the inside and count the number of galleries and the almost numberless tunnel-like archways leading into the interior and note the lively bustle upon the galleries above one another by the hundreds.
What might the purpose of this gigantic building be? This is the schoolhouse with diverse classes for educating young people in all sorts of subjects.
Behold how in the background at the ground level of this immense building, fires flicker in the tunnel-like passages: listen a little to the crackle and clink. Behold, this is the blacksmiths' school, where they learn to prepare all sorts of metal products. And so you shall find something different on every gallery.
Therewith is the purpose of this building. Hence we can leave it too and continue our temple journey.
