God's New Bible

The Natural Sun

Announcements about our sun and its natural conditions

- Chapter 49 -

The temple art-museum

Behold a three mile-wide area planted with rows of the most glorious fruit trees. Let us go through these fragrant avenues and we have arrived at another equally wide ditch.
What are we seeing above this canal? Let us canoe over and put another mile of smooth ground behind us.
Behold, here an even more colossal building than the previous rises; it is not as wide but at least twice the height of the previous one. It too has no outward windows, but has many facing inward.
The entire building comprises just seven storeys, distinguishable by the rainbow colours. From the outside the colours of this massive wall appear like continuous, parallel bands. Inwardly however, the colossal galleries are painted with one rainbow colour each.
Each gallery has a height that, under its archways, would enable you to accommodate Europe's highest mountain. From these galleries, uniform archways run to the interior.
What is the purpose of this entire building? It serves for higher spiritual considerations. In actuality, it is a museum of art for both the display and study of art works.
One could ask: why chambers of such lofty height? Just a little patience and you shall see that this is not quite without purpose, as at first glance. Because the subject of art, especially that of building engineering upon this belt, is exceptionally grandiose and complex, such as their extraordinary hoisting machines, as well as their pitching machines, frequently of exceptional size and manifold complexity. Just think of the gigantic structures of these people and to what incomprehensible height they lift stones of several thousand hundredweight. It will therefore not surprise you that exceptional means are needed to achieve this.
If I now say unto you that these high chambers are filled with such mechanical technology products, then you shall not consider them too high but on the contrary, regard them only as models and not actual machines.
But you will ask why seven consecutive galleries above one another, each with dizzying height - for your concept? It needs to be stated that such structures have to be build not just many metres high but sometimes, in all earnestness, miles high. Such cranes consist of seven sections each of a different nature: for were they the same, the lowermost could not carry the others. Hence in these seven sections, a whole structure is erected, with the first on the ground floor. If a projected building is not higher than that, then the first section suffices. If a building is to be twice that high, then everyone can see and study this section on the second gallery and so on with every subsequent level. Should a projected building be higher, as is the case with temples, then the corresponding section, first in an adjacent chamber at ground level while the next section can be seen, with other sections at higher levels, the form of crane corresponding to the type of projected building, with relevant displays.
This is also the case with lifting mechanisms, towing machines, throwing mechanisms, building, pushing, compressing and various others for the construction of such gigantic buildings.
Now we know the purpose of this huge building.
Let us look further ahead and we again notice a three mile-wide field which initially is richly planted with all sorts of fruit trees, but also interspersed with all kinds of building displays, which also suggest a school of building technology. Therefore there are many private houses to be seen for students and teachers, who are entitled to the free use of these orchards. We shall examine the next building next time.
