God's New Bible

Sunsets Into Sunrises

Bishop Martin - The Progress of a Soul in the Beyond

- Chapter 176 -


Now a sign is given that the waters of the great sea are already quite close to those in the lowest positions and will be touching their feet any moment. The Almighty Spirit is to help them, or they will be forced to flee.
(Says Peter): "Friend and brother, tell the people not to lose heart, for the Lord has purposely allowed this danger to arise so that the great glory of God may be demonstrated all the clearer.
The water is going to touch their feet, but they will not get wet! The subterranean formation will be forced out, and will distend until it bursts and emits great masses of fire which, however, will dissolve completely as they fall back, and the crust will subside the moment it has burst.
Therefore, no one must be afraid, and everyone should ignore the threatening danger completely; then no one will come to harm. Tell them this immediately."
Uron, the sage, passes on this message with the help of the already-mentioned signs, and within a few moments, counter signs are coming from all directions. They say that the instructions have been understood by all and that everyone is gratefully and willingly prepared to act accordingly.
As the sage tells Peter this, he says:
(Peter): "So tell them now to give me all their attention, as I am going to tell them very important things."
This the sage does, and everybody is tense with expectation.
(Says Peter): "My friends and brothers, my predecessor described to you the living conditions of the earth-dwellers. I, too, lived there at the time the Lord Himself took on the flesh of man and had to suffer all imaginable hardships, from His childhood on, just like any other member of the poor who did not possess any property.
From the true description of living conditions Martin has given you, you can easily judge how much better off in every respect you are in your great world of light. But you will now also understand what is necessary to make a free child of God out of His creature.
First of all the question arises: 'Do you or don't you desire to become children of God like us?' You would retain all your privileges, as far as they are not curtailed by a law inviting you to voluntarily renounce them for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Think it over well, and only upon your mature consideration, tell me Yes or No.
Think of the advantage of being a child of God, or at least being able to become one, but also think of what must be done to gain such an advantage. However, do take into consideration your present privileges and living conditions which, you must admit, are so vastly different from the others.
As a matter of fact, everything that is renounced will be compensated a thousandfold everlastingly in the Kingdom of God! However, the fact of this compensation will not be comprehended as a certainty, but only vaguely to the extent of one's strength of faith.
At present, you see before you clearly revealed, the spiritual as well as the natural. With those, however, who in all earnest desire to become children of God, this will no longer be the case. Therefore, consider carefully what you intend to do. You are offered a great thing, but a lot is asked of you to achieve it."
(Says the sage): "Friend, you are aware that our intelligence is of such a nature that we never have to ponder long over a decision, and we know immediately what we want to do or what we should do. Therefore, I, as well as all the people present, have also in this case no doubts as to what we desire and, naturally, what we are able to do.
Every action presupposes the ability to perform it, and surely God Himself will not demand more of any creature than it is capable of doing depending on its nature and strength. Thus, I am convinced that the Lord will not demand also of us any more than we are capable of doing as a result of our natural and spiritual state of development in this world.
This guiding principle makes it quite clear that we desire only that which we are able to do, and that is all that counts where the matter of filial relationships to God is concerned. If we are capable of attaining to it, we do desire it; however, if it requires more than our greatest effort, then we cannot desire it, since in such a case it would be unattainable for us.
In short, if this is attainable for us under our present living conditions, we do desire it; if not, then, friend, you will understand that we cannot possibly desire it. Now you know our decision! Please yourself, for I believe that also our will is free and must remain so."
