God's New Bible

Strong's Concor­dance


Original: מוּשׁ
Transliteration: mush (mûsh)
Phonetic: moosh
BDB Definition:
  1. to depart, remove
    1. (Qal)
      1. to depart
      2. to remove
      3. to be removed (of inanimate objects)
    2. (Hiphil) to remove, depart
Origin: a primitive root [perhaps rather the same as H4184 through the idea of receding by contact]
TWOT entry: 1167
Part(s) of speech: Verb
Strong's Definition: A primitive root (perhaps rather the same as H4184 through the idea of receding by contact); to withdraw (both literally and figuratively, whether intransitively or transitively): - cease, depart, go back, remove, take away.
Occurrences in the (KJV) King James Version:
All Occurrences
He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.
And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle.
But they presumed to go up unto the hill top: nevertheless the ark of the covenant of the Lord , and Moses, departed not out of the camp.
Depart not hence, I pray thee, until I come unto thee, and bring forth my present, and set it before thee. And he said, I will tarry until thou come again.(g)
Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.(c) (d)
Wickedness is in the midst thereof: deceit and guile depart not from her streets.
Whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house.
In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed, and be cut down, and fall; and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off: for the Lord hath spoken it.
They bear him upon the shoulder, they carry him, and set him in his place, and he standeth; from his place shall he not remove: yea, one shall cry unto him, yet can he not answer, nor save him out of his trouble.
For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee.
For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.(c)
If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the Lord , then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever.
Therefore thus saith the Lord ; Behold, against this family do I devise an evil, from which ye shall not remove your necks; neither shall ye go haughtily: for this time is evil.
In that day shall one take up a parable against you, and lament with a doleful lamentation, and say, We be utterly spoiled: he hath changed the portion of my people: how hath he removed it from me! turning away he hath divided our fields.(b) (c)
Woe to the bloody city! it is all full of lies and robbery; the prey departeth not;(a)
For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.
And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.

Brown-Driver-Brigg's Information

All of the original Hebrew and Aramaic words are arranged by the numbering system from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. In some cases more than one form of the word — such as the masculine and feminine forms of a noun — may be listed.

Each entry is a Hebrew word, unless it is designated as Aramaic. Immediately after each word is given its equivalent in English letters, according to a system of transliteration. Then follows the phonetic. Next follows the Brown-Driver-Briggs' Definitions given in English.

Then ensues a reference to the same word as found in Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (TWOT), by R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer, Jr., and Bruce K. Waltke. This section makes an association between the unique number used by TWOT with the Strong's number.

Thayers Information

All of the original Greek words are arranged by the numbering system from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. The Strong's numbering system arranges most Greek words by their alphabetical order. This renders reference easy without recourse to the Greek characters. In some cases more than one form of the word - such as the masculine, feminine, and neuter forms of a noun - may be listed.

Immediately after each word is given its exact equivalent in English letters, according to the system of transliteration laid down in the scheme here following. Then follows the phonetic. Next follows the Thayer's Definitions given in English.

Then ensues a reference to the same word as found in the ten-volume Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (TDNT), edited by Gerhard Kittel. Both volume and page numbers cite where the word may be found.

The presence of an asterisk indicates that the corresponding entry in the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament may appear in a different form than that displayed in Thayers' Greek Definitions.

Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries Information

Dictionaries of Hebrew and Greek Words taken from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance by James Strong, S.T.D., LL.D., 1890.

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