God's New Bible

Strong's Concor­dance


Original: משׁקל
Transliteration: mishqal (mishqâl)
Phonetic: mish-kawl'
BDB Definition:
  1. heaviness, weight
Origin: from H8254
TWOT entry: 2454c
Part(s) of speech: Noun Masculine
Strong's Definition: From H8254; weight (numerically estimated); hence, weighing (the act): - (full) weight.
Occurrences in the (KJV) King James Version:
All Occurrences
And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking, that the man took a golden earring of half a shekel weight, and two bracelets for her hands of ten shekels weight of gold;(e)
And it came to pass, when we came to the inn, that we opened our sacks, and, behold, every man’s money was in the mouth of his sack, our money in full weight: and we have brought it again in our hand.
Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in meteyard, in weight, or in measure.
And when I have broken the staff of your bread, ten women shall bake your bread in one oven, and they shall deliver you your bread again by weight: and ye shall eat, and not be satisfied.
And his offering was one silver charger, the weight thereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them were full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
He offered for his offering one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
His offering was one silver charger of the weight of an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
His offering was one silver charger of the weight of an hundred and thirty shekels, a silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
His offering was one silver charger of the weight of an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonish garment, and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of fifty shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them; and, behold, they are hid in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the silver under it.(h)
And the weight of the golden earrings that he requested was a thousand and seven hundred shekels of gold; beside ornaments, and collars, and purple raiment that was on the kings of Midian, and beside the chains that were about their camels’ necks.(k)
And he had an helmet of brass upon his head, and he was armed with a coat of mail; and the weight of the coat was five thousand shekels of brass.(c)
And he took their king’s crown from off his head, the weight whereof was a talent of gold with the precious stones: and it was set on David’s head. And he brought forth the spoil of the city in great abundance.(g)
And Ishbi–benob, which was of the sons of the giant, the weight of whose spear weighed three hundred shekels of brass in weight, he being girded with a new sword, thought to have slain David.(g) (h)
And Solomon left all the vessels unweighed, because they were exceeding many: neither was the weight of the brass found out.(s) (t)
Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold,
The two pillars, one sea, and the bases which Solomon had made for the house of the Lord ; the brass of all these vessels was without weight.(e)
And David took the crown of their king from off his head, and found it to weigh a talent of gold, and there were precious stones in it; and it was set upon David’s head: and he brought also exceeding much spoil out of the city.(b)
So David gave to Ornan for the place six hundred shekels of gold by weight.
And David prepared iron in abundance for the nails for the doors of the gates, and for the joinings; and brass in abundance without weight;
Now, behold, in my trouble I have prepared for the house of the Lord an hundred thousand talents of gold, and a thousand thousand talents of silver; and of brass and iron without weight; for it is in abundance: timber also and stone have I prepared; and thou mayest add thereto.(b)
He gave of gold by weight for things of gold, for all instruments of all manner of service; silver also for all instruments of silver by weight, for all instruments of every kind of service:
Even the weight for the candlesticks of gold, and for their lamps of gold, by weight for every candlestick, and for the lamps thereof: and for the candlesticks of silver by weight, both for the candlestick, and also for the lamps thereof, according to the use of every candlestick.
And by weight he gave gold for the tables of shewbread, for every table; and likewise silver for the tables of silver:
Also pure gold for the fleshhooks, and the bowls, and the cups: and for the golden basons he gave gold by weight for every bason; and likewise silver by weight for every bason of silver:
And for the altar of incense refined gold by weight; and gold for the pattern of the chariot of the cherubims, that spread out their wings, and covered the ark of the covenant of the Lord .

Brown-Driver-Brigg's Information

All of the original Hebrew and Aramaic words are arranged by the numbering system from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. In some cases more than one form of the word — such as the masculine and feminine forms of a noun — may be listed.

Each entry is a Hebrew word, unless it is designated as Aramaic. Immediately after each word is given its equivalent in English letters, according to a system of transliteration. Then follows the phonetic. Next follows the Brown-Driver-Briggs' Definitions given in English.

Then ensues a reference to the same word as found in Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (TWOT), by R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer, Jr., and Bruce K. Waltke. This section makes an association between the unique number used by TWOT with the Strong's number.

Thayers Information

All of the original Greek words are arranged by the numbering system from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. The Strong's numbering system arranges most Greek words by their alphabetical order. This renders reference easy without recourse to the Greek characters. In some cases more than one form of the word - such as the masculine, feminine, and neuter forms of a noun - may be listed.

Immediately after each word is given its exact equivalent in English letters, according to the system of transliteration laid down in the scheme here following. Then follows the phonetic. Next follows the Thayer's Definitions given in English.

Then ensues a reference to the same word as found in the ten-volume Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (TDNT), edited by Gerhard Kittel. Both volume and page numbers cite where the word may be found.

The presence of an asterisk indicates that the corresponding entry in the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament may appear in a different form than that displayed in Thayers' Greek Definitions.

Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries Information

Dictionaries of Hebrew and Greek Words taken from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance by James Strong, S.T.D., LL.D., 1890.

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