God's New Bible

The Book of Love

- Chapter 8 -

GOD THE LORD Reveals the Heavenly Truths in the Seventh Vision of His Former Disciple John in the Apocalypse of the NEW JERUSALEM

So now hear how I THE LORD explain to you the pure heavenly truths of MY HOLY SPIRIT in the seventh vision of My former disciple of LOVE, John!
When he wrote
"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and the sea is no more. And I, John, see the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of the heavens from GOD, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband."
(John's Revelation 21/1-2)
so My John in MY GRACE had been allowed to have a glimpse into THE NEW JERUSALEM, as I THE LORD am now building it up through MY LIGHT CIRCLE OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, which I lowered onto your star "earth". And that this is "prepared as a bride adorned for her husband" is THE HOLY TRUTH that MY HEART'S PRIMORDIAL GROUND POLE OF ETERNAL LOVE, MY MOST HOLY, is accomplishing on this earth of redemption THE HOLY UNION with ME, THE LORD, in all glory before the eyes of all Our human children in the garments of this world, after "the first heaven", that was My time on earth in Jesus Christ, "passed away" and also "the first earth", that is the first epoch of MY TEACHING until the day of the coming, inevitable judgment and "the sea is no more", which means that the sea of tribulation and tears, which will be triggered by the judgment, will have receded and been dissolved by THE LOVE in the NEW JERUSALEM on earth!
And how the great UNION OF LOVE and WILL of all children of men with ME will be accomplished in the NEW JERUSALEM, reveals the "great voice", MY HOLY VOICE, through John:
"And heard a great voice from the throne, saying, Behold, a tabernacle of God with men; and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and He Himself, God with them, shall be their God!"
(John's Revelation 21/3)
From this sentence it is clear that I THE LORD will always "dwell" with MY TRUE CHILDREN in the NEW JERUSALEM; that is, I will have an eternal dwelling place in their hearts, as I revealed in this NEW BIBLE at the beginning of the chapter on sacred marriage as MY WILL PURPOSE. Thus it is again said with the greatest urgency that true, sanctified marriage is a most important prerequisite for every human child to be able to participate in the building of the NEW JERUSALEM.
But the implications of this revelatory sentence are set out in the next verse of John:
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former is passed away."
(John's Revelation 21/4)
All burden I THE LORD will take away from MY TRUE CHILDREN in the NEW JERUSALEM and all sadness and gloom from the horrors of the past times, and death will have no more harvest through all that which men have caused on this earth so far and which was in the wake of death: "sorrow, crying and pain". And "the former is passed away" means that the times of wars and acts of violence of all kinds on this earth are over.
And the time of the NEW JERUSALEM will dawn, reveals then MY HOLY VOICE in the words:
"Behold, I make all things new! And he says to me: Write, for these words are true and certain."
(John's Revelation 21/5)
This "Behold, I make all things new!" is happening at this time through this MY NEW BIBLE! Whoever, if he is not completely blind in spirit, skims this NEW BIBLE even a little with the eyes of LOVE, immediately recognizes how everything will be overcome that serves hell in this time, and how everything will be remade according to MY HOLY PERFECT WILL, WHO I AM THE GOD FROM ETERNITY TO ETERNITY, as My John so wonderfully recorded:
"And He said to me: It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end! I will give to him that is thirsty of the fountain of living water freely.
He who overcomes will inherit all things, and I will be his God and he will be my son."
(John's Revelation 21/6-7)
The "A" and the "O", the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last letter of the Greek alphabet, and that means: it includes everything that has come out of ME, THE CREATOR AND LORD, through MY HOLY WORD, into My infinite creation from eternity to eternity and will still come out! And "to the thirsty", that is everyone who longs for MY HOLY WORD and tries to fulfill it with the most burning LOVE, I will feed "free of charge" from the "fountain of living water", that is, from the never-ending, inexhaustible source of MY LOVE, which will forever be "the living water", without ever demanding any payment for it. And that which will be "free" in the NEW JERUSALEM has already been said, but will be examined in more detail in this NEW BIBLE.
But what has already been taught on repeated occasions in this NEW BIBLE, this last sentence of the seventh verse from the Revelation of John now also states, that he who overcomes is MY INHERITANCE in everything, therefore can make all MY HOLY PROPERTIES his own and I will be HIS GOD and HIS HEAVENLY FATHER by being "My Son" through the overcoming and fulfillment of MY HOLY WILL, which is synonymous for the female gender that all are MY TRUE CHILDREN OF LOVE who are obedient to ME!
The opposite of this is prepared by all those who are not willing to follow MY HOLY WAYS and prepare their own downfall "in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone", by which is meant the all-destroying fire that the ignorance of perpetuating sin and the fermenting scum of all sins unleash, the "brimstone", as I THE LORD had it written down for all times by My John at that time:
"But unto the foolish, and unbelieving, and abominable, and slayers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, their part shall be in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the other death. "
(John's Revelation 21/8)
But I also showed My John for all his LOVE in the often so hard trial, in the often hard observance of MY HOLY WILL, a picture of the perfected glory of MY NEW JERUSALEM:
"And there came to me one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues, and spoke to me, saying, Come, I will show you the woman, the bride of the Lamb. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God; and it had the glory of GOD, and its light was like the most precious stone, a bright jasper."
(John's Revelation 21/9-11)
Whether I MYSELF AS THE LORD or through one of MY SEVEN ANGELS speak and make known MY HOLY WILL is the same, because these seven angels are the spiritual pillars and bearers of MY SEVEN MAIN PROPERTIES and like MYSELF they only carry out MY HOLY WILL. And so it was one of these seven PRIMORDIAL ARCHANGELS, in this case GABRIEL, who as the Angel of Annunciation, as at My birth on earth as the Son of Man, proclaimed My time on earth, now to My John, after the sins of all mankind had been caught in the "seven bowls" and poured into the final JUDGMENT according to the LAW OF GUILT AND ATONEMENT, in the "Woman" as the "Bride of the Lamb" revealed THE COMPLETION OF ETERNAL LOVE IN THE NEW JERUSALEM AS THE MOST HOLY GOD, WHO AS THE SON OF MAN AND "LAMB OF GOD" in HIS INFINITE PATIENCE AND MERCY, despite the crucifixion death of Golgotha, establishes HIS HEAVEN ON EARTH IN THE NEW JERUSALEM for mankind of this earth!
And this MY WORK OF GRACE, WHICH is lowered from MY HEAVENS to earth in MY GLORY, the primordial archangel showed My John from the height from which this MY NEW JERUSALEM was visible.
That the LIGHT OF THE NEW JERUSALEM is equated with the "very noblest stone" in this vision of My John is not a symbolic reference, but the fact that MY LIGHT must also stratify or incorporate itself into the most darkened life substance, matter, in order to supply earth matter with a life force without which your earth would not be an ever-generating "Mother Earth". And this MY LIGHT as a life-producing factor forms here and there in the darkened life substance of earth matter into "gemstones", shining and radiating from the qualities of MY LIGHT in the most diverse mixtures, often conjuring up a tiny image from My heavens in your most precious gemstones. If the light jasper is mentioned in this revelation of John as the "most precious stone", but does not rank first in your classification of precious stones, this is not a misconception of this revelation, but is based on the fact that it has not yet been found by you humans in its best properties from MY LIGHT, like the "best pearl" of MY MOST HOLY, which will only be found by those who love ME IN MY HEART'S PRIMORDIAL GROUND POLE above all else!
So it is with everything that appears before your eyes; whether it is letters, numbers, forms or signs, works or appearances of My creation, you never recognize the true, spiritual reason right away! For the most part, your philosophers overdo themselves in their mental acrobatics about My secrets of creation and theories upon theories deluge your entire being like a flood, preventing you from penetrating the shortest path to ME, THE CREATOR, in order to decipher everything through MY GRACE. And this shortest path is LOVE for ME!
Thus it is that so much is misinterpreted, that the false interpretations have held their ground for centuries and millennia up to your present time, and that many things have not yet been subjected to the slightest spiritual interpretation, especially what you humans consider to be your fixed principles of numerology.
So it has also been the case with this revelation of My John, about which no true interpretation has been achieved to this day through exclusive thinking alone. Only I THE LORD Myself have already given many an impetus to it, but without revealing the whole, so as not to let you humans fall asleep spiritually through accomplished facts! For the most part, I still leave something open in all revelations and only reveal much in stages so that you remain spiritually active and do not become sluggish.
So I THE LORD left certain spiritual "stones of offense" in all My revelations to you humans, by which you children of men should mature in all your qualities; also this NEW BIBLE is not and shall not be completely free of certain "stones of offense"; but these are hard test stones for all of you, whether you prove yourselves as CHILDREN OF MY LOVE! My counterpole has his freedom to tempt you, and he will be happy to lay pitfalls for you! Therefore, prove that you are already beginning to mature in true LOVE by reading this NEW BIBLE for the first time and see it as MY HOLY WORK OF GRACE AND SALVATION even if some things are not immediately clear enough to you in your current view!
Do not stumble over anything, say I THE LORD, which are MY HOLY WORDS in this MY NEW BIBLE and ask ME for THE GRACE OF ENLIGHTENMENT if you cannot grasp anything! Then MY LIGHT will flow into you and you will recognize everything in the depths as the incontrovertible HOLY TRUTHS from ME, YOUR GOD AND CREATOR, in a blissful happiness and rejoice over THE GIFTS OF MY GRACE IN EVERY SINGLE HOLY WORD!
