God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 101 -

Victor Aurelius Dexter Latii

JOSEPH THEN went over to the girl who was still occupied with the Baby, tugged at her sleeve and said to her,
'Listen, my beloved daughter, have you really not noticed who is here? Do look up for once and see!'
At this the girl awakened from her ecstasy and beheld the glittering Cyrenius.
Thereupon she was greatly startled and asked in a frightened tone of voice, 'Oh my dear father Joseph! Who is this so very brightly glittering man? What is he doing here? Where did he come from?'
Joseph answered the girl, 'Oh do not be afraid, my daughter Tullia! See, that is the ever so good Cyrenius, a brother of the emperor and governor of Asia and a part of Africa.
He will surely put your matter in the best order in Rome, for you have already become very dear to him at first glance.
Now go over and request that he hear you, then put your whole life story before him and be assured that you will not have spoken to deaf ears!'
But the girl objected, 'Oh my dear father, that I dare not do, for I know that such a lord examines with terrible strictness on such occasions, and if he finds out some point which cannot be proved, he promptly threatens one with death!
Thus it happened to me in my poverty once before when such a lord also inquired of me from whence I came.
When I faithfully told him everything, he demanded unquestionable proofs of me.
But since I in my completely orphaned state and in my utmost poverty could not produce these for him, he ordered me to keep strictest silence and threatened me with death if I should ever speak any more about that to anyone.
I therefore entreat you, do you also not betray me or I am surely lost!'
At this Cyrenius, who had heard this low discussion, stepped over to Tullia and said to her,
'Oh Tullia, do not fear him who truly wants to spare no effort to make you as happy as possible!
Tell me nothing more than the name of your father, if you still remember it, and I will require no more.
But fear nothing whatever, although your father's name is lost to you. You will be just as dear to me because you are now a daughter of this my greatest friend!'
At this Tullia became a bit more confident and admitted to Cyrenius, 'Truly, if your gentle eye deceives me, then the whole world is a lie! So I will indeed tell you the name of my good father.
See, his name was Victor Aurelius Dexter Latii - since you are a brother of the emperor, this name cannot be unknown to you.'
When Cyrenius heard this name he was visibly stirred and said in a broken voice,
'Oh Tullia, he was my mother's own brother! Yes, yes, of him I know that by his lawful wife he had a blind-born daughter whom he loved more than anything else!
Oh how often I have envied him his good fortune which actually was a misfortune! But the blind Tullia was more to him than the whole world.
Yes, I myself was quite in love with this Tullia when she was hardly four to five years old, and have often declared by myself: This one or no other shall someday be my real wife!
And - O God - now I find this same heavenly Tullia here in the house of my heavenly, godly friend!
O Lord, o Lord, that is too much reward at one time for a weak mortal and for the little that I, who am nothing before You, o Lord, did!' - Hereat Cyrenius, who had lost his strength, sank into a chair and only after a while regained his presence of mind to continue the conversation with Tullia.
