God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 102 -

A Gospel On Marriage Acceptable Before God

WHEN HE HAD RECOVERED, Cyrenius again inquired of Tullia, 'Tullia, would you not give me your hand and become my rightful wife, if I were to entreat you to do so from the very bottom of my heart?'
Here Tullia asked, 'What would you do with me if I were to deny you that?'
And Cyrenius, though somewhat agitated, nevertheless replied with genuine good will,
'Then I would sacrifice it to Him whom you hold upon your arms, and would sadly go my way!'
And Tullia asked Cyrenius further, saying, 'What would you do if I asked Him who now rests upon my arms for advice as to what I should do,
and He advised me against accepting your proposal and told me to remain faithful to the house which has received me in so friendly a say?'
Cyrenius was slightly taken aback by this question, and replied somewhat at a loss,
'Yes, then, my most wonderful Tullia, then of course I would at once and without objection have to desist from my petition!
For against the will of Him whom all the elements must obey, mortal man can eternally never oppose himself.
Oh but be sure to ask the Baby immediately, so I may find out where I stand as soon as possible!'
Here the Baby promptly sat upright and said: 'I am not a Lord of that which is of the world, hence you are free in all worldly matters as far as I am concerned!
Once you have found true love in your hearts toward one another then you shall not become unfaithful to it!
For with Me no other law counts in marriage than that which is written with glowing letters in your hearts.
If you have already recognized each other at first glance according to this living law and have bound yourselves, then you shall not separate any more if you do not want to commit a sin before Me!
I recognize no worldly bond of marriage other than that of the heart -
whoever breaks this, he is indeed an adulterer before Me!
You, My Cyrenius, have set your heart on this daughter ever so strongly, so you shall not turn it from her again. -
And you, daughter, were already burning in your heart for Cyrenius at first glance, therefore you already are his wife before Me and need not first become so!
For I accept neither worldly counsel nor objection, but only the counsel of your hearts.
Always remain faithful to this living law if you do not wish to become veritable adulterers before Me!
And let him be accursed who because of worldly considerations counsels against the matter of love, which is of Me!
For what is more: the living love which is from Me, or the worldly motive which is from hell?
Woe also to that love which is based on the world - let it be accursed!'
These words of the Baby confounded all, and no one dared to say any more on the subject of marriage.
