God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 103 -

The Seat Of Life Is In The Heart

AND SINCE after this discourse of the Baby all gazed down at their feet in consternation and no one trusted himself to speak, the Baby suddenly opened His mouth again and said:
'What are you all standing around Me for so sadly now? After all, I have not done you any harm!
To you, My Cyrenius, I gave whereafter your heart thirsted, and to you also, My dear Tullia. What more do you want?
'Should I perhaps declare the living adultery to be good, when you children of men have already set the punishment of death on the dead adultery?
What sort of request would that be? Is not that which occurs in life more than that which is held in the judgment of death?
I would say that you should be quite happy and should not mourn because it is that way!
Whosoever loves, does he love in the heart or in the head?
But you have drawn your marriage-laws not from the heart, but only from the head!
'Now life is only in the heart and goes from it into all parts of man and therewith also into the head, which has no life in itself, but is dead.
And since you already sanction the laws of the head with death - when these are dead along with the head - how much more' fitting it is to respect the living, eternal laws of the heart!
Therefore rejoice that I, as the living One among you, hold fast to the laws of life. If I did not do so, eternal death would already have come over all of you long ago!
'That is why I came into the world, that through Me all of the works and laws of death will be destroyed and be replaced by the ancient laws of life!
And if I show you in advance what the laws of life as well as those of death are, what harm am I doing you-thereby that you mourn thereat and are afraid of Me as if I, instead of bringing you life, had brought you death?
Oh how foolish you are! In Me the old, eternal Life has come to you, so rejoice and never be sad!
Now you, My Cyrenius, take the woman whom I give you, and you, Tullia, take the man whom I have led to you in all earnestness - from now on you shall never leave each other!
But when you will have been separated by the death of your body, then the surviving part shall be free according to outward things, but your love shall endure forever, Amen!'
These words of the small child highly amazed all of them;
and Tullia said, completely trembling with the greatest awe:
Oh, you people! This child is not a child of man, but He is the highest Godhead itself!
Because no man, but only a god can speak like this; only a god as the origin of life itself can know the laws of life and can awaken them in us!
But we humans are all dead; how could we then find the laws of life and apply them as such?
Oh, you most holy little child, only now I clearly recognize what I deeply sensed before: You are the Lord of heaven and earth from eternity! Therefore all my adoration to you!
