God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 106 -

Eudokia Finds A Greater Splendor

EUDOKIA NOW ASKED MARY whence it came to be that this Baby was so full of miraculous power and of such a most high, divine nature,
and how it came to be that Cyrenius now depended so much on the words of the Baby.
To this Mary charmingly replied, 'Dear Eudokia! See, not every matter can be hurried unduly.
Each thing needs its time, and with gentle patience we get the farthest.
Once you have been with me for a while you will find out everything, but for the time being believe that this Child is greater than all the heroes and gods of Rome!
Did you not feel the great power of the storm the day before yesterday?
See, it came from the mighty hand of Him with whom Tullia still plays!
What the power of this storm did with the temples in the city it could also do with the whole earth!
Now you know enough for the time being and may not know any more for the sake of your salvation,
but when you become more versed you will also find out more.
Therefore I entreat you for your own good that you will be silent thereof to everyone, for if you talk about it you will be judged.'
These words of Mary gave Eudokia peace and she began to think a great deal by herself concerning what she had heard from Mary.
Mary now went over to Tullia, took the Baby from her arms and said to her,
'See, this my little Son has already blessed you and you will therefore be happy forever!
But over there is the poor Eudokia - she has not felt the infinite joy of the Baby's blessing. Therefore I will also lay the Baby on Eudokia's arms, so she may feel what power goes out from the Baby.'
Thereupon Mary carried the Baby over to Eudokia and said to her assuringly,
'Here, Eudokia, is my and your salvation. Take Him on your arms for a short time and experience how sweet it is to be the mother of such a Child!'
With great deference Eudokia took the Baby on her arms,
but she feared this most mysterious Child and hardly dared to stir.
And the Baby smiled and said, 'Oh Eudokia, do not be afraid of Me, for I am not your undoing but your Savior!
And in the near future you will learn to know Me better than you know Me now.
Then you will not fear Me any more, but love Me as I love you.' - These words deprived Eudokia of fear and she began to fondle and caress the Baby.
