God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 107 -

Joseph Accepts A Gift From Cyrenius

CYRENIUS NOW said to Joseph, 'Noble friend and brother! I have found my greatest good fortune in your house in every respect! Now tell me what reward you would have for yourself from me.
Oh say, how can I recompense you even in the least degree for all that you have done for me?
But do not in any case mention this villa which would surely be something too little and mean as a reward for you.'
And Joseph replied, 'Oh brother and friend, what do you take me for?
Do you think me to be a trader in good deeds who does good only for the sake of a reward?
Oh how greatly do you err if you think that about me.
See, I know nothing meaner than a paid-for benefactor and a paid-for good deed!
Truly, may I and the day and the hour be cursed when I was born if I were to take from you even one stater!
Do you therefore take your wife, the cleansed Tullia, to yourself in all good cheer. What you will do for her and many other poor souls, that I shall always consider and accept as a good reward for my deeds to you.
But please spare this house from any endowment, for what I have is enough for all of us. Of what use then is any more?
You think perhaps that I will request some sort of board money for Eudokia? - Oh, do not speak of that!
I take her in as a daughter and shall rear her in the grace of God.
Now where indeed is the father who allowed himself to be paid anything by anyone for bringing up his daughter?
I tell you, Eudokia is worth more than all the world, so there is no reward in the world which could be offered as acceptable for her.
And the great reward which I have for all my dealings, see, He now lies in the arms of Eudokia.'
When Cyrenius perceived this great unselfishness of Joseph, he was deeply stirred and asserted,
'Truly, before God and all the people of the earth you stand alone as a man of all men.
To praise you with words would be a vain effort, for you stand exalted above every word of man.
But I now know what to do so I may show you how very greatly I honor and value you.
I shall make you a present which you will surely not refuse.
See, in Tyre I have three girls and five boys from very poor parents who are deceased.
I shall have these dear children brought here to you so they may be brought up by you.
That I shall see to their upkeep you may be fully assured of.
Will you deny me that also? No, Joseph, my noble brother, that you surely will not do!'
And Joseph replied, deeply moved, 'No, brother, that I shall never deny you! Therefore send these children here as soon as possible and they shall receive the best care in everything they may need.'
