God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 112 -

Joseph's House Receives New Guests

IT WAS ALREADY late in the evening when Cyrenius with his company left Joseph's house and went into the city.
Joseph then said to his sons, 'Children, go now, and take care of our household. Provide for the cows and the donkeys, then prepare us an evening-meal and make it a good and fresh one. For today I must adopt and bless my new daughter at a joyful meal.'
Thereupon the sons of Joseph promptly did as Joseph had ordered.
But how surprised were they when they encountered several youths in white robes in the stable, who tended Joseph's livestock most industriously.
The sons of Joseph then asked them who had ordered them to do this and whose servants they were.
The youths answered, 'We are at all times servants of the Lord, and the Lord has ordered us to do this, therefore we did it.'
The sons of Joseph now asked the youths, 'Who is your Lord and where does He live? Is He perhaps Cyrenius?'
The youths replied, 'Our Lord is also yours and lives with you - but Cyrenius is not His name!'
At this the sons of Joseph supposed that this must obviously be their father himself and therefore said to the youths,
'If so, then go with us so our father, who here is the lord of this house, may know if you are really his servants.'
The youths answered, 'First milk the cows, whereupon we will go with you and present ourselves before your Lord.'
Here the sons took the milk buckets and milked three times more milk than they did before, when they had taken care of their cows ever so well.
At this they were surprised beyond measure and could not explain to themselves how it was that the cows this time gave such a great deal of milk.
When they had finished milking the cows, the youths said,
'Now that you are through with your work, let us go into the house where your and our Lord lives.
But your father has also ordered you to prepare a good evening meal. This must first be made-ready before we step into the chamber of the Lord.'
They now went quickly into the kitchen, and behold, there also were several youths who were fully occupied in the preparation of a delicious evening meal. -
By now it seemed to Joseph that the work of the sons took a bit longer than usual, so he went to see what they were doing.
But how surprised was he when he found the kitchen crowded with workers.
He at once asked the sons what in heaven's name was going on.
Here the youths answered, 'Joseph, do not be concerned, for what here is and takes place truly takes place in the name of the Lord! But let us first prepare the evening meal, then you will find out the particulars from the Lord Himself.'
