God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 124 -

A Poisonous Encampment At The Summit

THE CARAVAN of beasts did not turn back, but continued on its way while slightly growling.
Eudokia at the side of Mary, as well as Tullia at the side of Cyrenius who now walked closely in front of the two donkeys, did indeed fall into a slight faint at the sight;
but Joseph and Mary instilled enough courage into them that they soon lost all sense of fear.
And the procession again went onward unhindered and now encountered no more delay on its way to the summit.
When they arrived at the summit - which was an enchanting open space, at the highest spot of which stood a temple - a new obstacle arose.
In the vicinity of the temple was a virtual encampment of the most poisonous rattlesnakes and vipers.
They sunned themselves by the hundreds on the wide open space around the temple.
When this vermin beheld the approaching party, it began to rattle, to hiss and to whistle.
Thereat the company of Cyrenius became quite rigid with fear. Tullia, who went on foot, was especially affected, lost her presence of mind altogether and here saw her doom before her eyes in her great fear.
Thereupon not only the people, but also the three lions began to give out sounds of fear and pressed themselves as closely against the people as possible.
Cyrenius in fact was not affected by this sight, but he was disturbed because of his wife and his company.
He therefore turned to Joseph and appealed, 'Brother, tell the two servants of the Lord that they shall threaten this vermin.'
At this Joseph said, 'That is not necessary!
See, my wife has all the skill in the world here. We need only let her come forward on her donkey,
and you will see how this vermin will take flight before her.'
And Mary with the Baby on her arm came forward on her donkey - and when the beasts saw her
they suddenly fled as quick as lightning and not one was to be seen anywhere.
At this the entire company was astonished and many asked in great surprise among themselves,
'Could she possibly be even Hygeia, whom all serpents are also supposed to have obeyed at a glance?'
Here Cyrenius, who heard these questions, asserted, 'What are you saying about Hygeia, who never was?
Here is more than Juno, who never was either - it is the by the most high God chosen wife of this most eminent wise man!'
At these words all in the company of Cyrenius were startled, but no one dared to inquire further of anyone else in the matter.
