God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 123 -

A Treacherous Path Up A Holy Mountain

CYRENIUS with his company, Maronius and the three priests and Joseph with Mary and with the Baby, the two youths and Eudokia made up the party.
Mary and Eudokia sat on the two donkeys which were led by the two youths.
The other youths remained at home with the sons of Joseph and helped them take care of the household, baked a good bread and prepared a noon meal, which as it turned out was not consumed until evening.
Close to the city there rose a mountain which was overgrown with cedars and measured about four hundred fathoms high.
This mountain was honored by the pagans as a holy place, therefore no trees were felled on it.
Only a path that the priests had laid out led to the summit where an open temple was erected, from which a distant and enchanting view was to be had in all directions.
Because of the thick afforestation of this fairly extensive mountain a multitude of wild animals constantly dwelt in its dense woods, which made any ascent formidable and dangerous.
The three priests were well informed of this characteristic of the mountain, so they went over to Cyrenius when he reached the foot of the mountain and made this known to him.
And Cyrenius said, 'You can plainly see that I am not afraid!
And why should I be? After all, the Lord of all the heavens and all worlds is right among us with two of His almighty servants.'
The priests took courage at the words of Cyrenius and stepped back again, and the procession went rapidly uphill.
When the entire party had penetrated deep into the mountain forest after a good half hour's march, three powerful lions suddenly sprang from the thicket of the forest and barred the way for Cyrenius.
At this Cyrenius was considerably frightened and shouted for help.
Immediately the two youths stepped up, threatened the three beasts, and these while roaring instantly left the spot;
but instead of fleeing back into the thicket they accompanied the procession on the edge of the path and harmed no one in the least.
When the company had gone onward for another half hour, a whole caravan of lions and panthers and tigers came towards them.
But when this sinister caravan beheld the two youths, it parted to both sides of the way and thus made room for the party.
Many in the party belonging to the company of Cyrenius were so filled with awe and respect at this encounter that they hardly dared to breathe.
And when they noticed how the beasts sank down and quaked as the Baby came near them, it began to dawn on these fearful pagans and they had a presentiment of who dwelt in the Child.
