God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 128 -

Joseph Discourses On The Wonders Of Creation

AFTER PEACE and order had thus been restored all around, the Baby sat up and said to Cyrenius:
'Listen to me, you noble-hearted man! Do you still recall how I pulled My brother James by the hair?
See, then you wanted Me to pull your hair also.
I promised you that, and see, now I am already keeping My promise;
for all the little surprises which have since come your way are nothing else than the promised hair pullings.
And when these come and are again sent your way in the future, then remember these My words and fear nothing and never become angry.
For you will not lose a hair by it. To whom I do this, him I love, and he has nothing to fear whether in this or in the other world.'
The tears came to Cyrenius' eyes at this explanation of the Baby, and he could not help himself for sheer love and gratitude.
Many of the bystanding pagans also heard these words of the Baby and were surprised beyond all measure how it was possible for this Baby of three months to speak with such perfect wisdom and great clarity.
A few turned to Joseph and asked how it happened to be that this Baby was able to speak so perfectly at such an early age.
At this Joseph shrugged his shoulders and said: 'Dear friends! All over the earth, and especially in the realm of life, the greatest wonders may be seen here and there.
They do in fact take place before our very eyes, but who can determine the secret laws of a creating Deity by which He effects these things?
Truly, we as ourselves the greatest wonders tread countless wonders daily with our feet - and hardly notice them!
Now which of us knows how these countless wonders of creation come into being - how the grass, how the tree, how the worm, how the gnat, how the fish in the water?
Truly, nothing remains there for us than to behold the wonders and to praise, honor and worship their great and holy Master Builder.'
This explanation of Joseph put the inquiring pagans completely at ease,
and from this moment they looked at all of nature with altogether different eyes.
They then dispersed to all sides of the mountain clearing and observed the wonders of creation.
And Cyrenius secretly turned to Joseph and asked him if he really did not know more here than he had told.
Of this Joseph assured him and advised, 'Turn to the Baby in this matter - He will surely give you the best explanation.'
