God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 129 -

He Is The Image Of The Invisible God

AND CYRENIUS in all humility turned directly to the Baby and inquired,
'O my Life, my all! See, even though one knows who You are, it is still too unheard-of and wonderful that You, a Baby of three months, are able to speak ever so perfectly and wisely.
I would like to be enlightened a little in this matter by You on this mountain where so many wonderful things have already happened! Would You not tell me something about this?'
The Baby replied, 'See, there at Joseph's side are the two servants - turn to them and they will tell you about that.'
Cyrenius promptly followed this advice and turned to the two youths in this matter.
And these said: 'See, that is a matter pertaining only to heaven; even though we tell you about it, you still will not be able to understand it.
For natural men can never comprehend what pertains only to heaven because their spirit is not yet free, but is imprisoned by all the substance in the world.
And you also are still for the most part natural, therefore you will not grasp what we will tell you.
Now you want to be informed about it - so we will also inform you at the Lord's bidding.
But we cannot give you the understanding because you are still a natural man.
'So hear us - See, the Baby as He is in His human nature cannot speak to you for quite some time as a natural human being.
That He will be able to do only halfway in a year.
But in the Child's heart dwells the fullness of the eternal, almighty Deity!
Now when this Baby speaks audibly and most wisely to you, the to you visible Child does not speak but the Deity speaks out of the Child into your for that purpose awakened spirit.
You then become aware of the words just as if the to you visible Baby were speaking.
But this is not so, for here only the to you invisible Deity is speaking.
What you suppose is coming from outside of you, that you are hearing only within yourself, and that is the case with everyone who hears this Baby speak.
Now so you may convince yourself of that, just stand as far away from here as you like where it would not be possible to hear the Baby's natural voice any more,
and the Baby will then speak to you, and you will hear Him in the distance just as plainly as close by. Go and convince yourself of that!'
And Cyrenius, while in fact not understanding anything of the whole matter, went about a thousand steps away on the mountain plateau.
There he suddenly heard the call of the Baby quite loud and clear, which sounded as follows,
'Cyrenius, turn back again as fast as you can; for beneath the spot over which you are standing is a cave filled with tigers!
These are beginning to scent you; so hurry back before they catch sight of you!'
Upon hearing this Cyrenius immediately fled back as fast as the wind and now stood there quite bewildered. He wanted to ask further, but in the end he did not know what he actually should ask about, for this experience was just too strange to him.
