God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 13 -

He Who Always Was Journeys To Bethlehem

THE SAME DAY a wise old friend from Nazareth came to Joseph and said to him,
'Brother, see, thus does the Lord lead His people through many deserts and steppes. And those who willingly follow where He leads will come to the right place.
We languished in Egypt and wept beneath Babylon's chains, but the Lord freed us!
Now the Romans have sent their eagles over us - it is the Lord's will! Therefore we will do what He wants, for He surely knows why He wants it that way.'
Joseph well understood what the friend meant to say to him, and when the friend had blessed him and departed, Joseph said to his sons,
'Listen to me! The Lord want? that we all go to Bethlehem, so let us bow to His will.
You, Joel, saddle the she-ass for Mary, and use the saddle with the back rest; and you, Joses, bridle the ox and harness him to the cart in which we will take our food.
You, Samuel, Simeon and James, provide the cart with stable fruits, bread, honey and cheese, and take enough to provide us for fourteen days, for we do not know when our turn will come, when we will be free to go, and what might happen with Mar)' on the way. So put fresh linen and baby napkins in the cart also.'
Here the sons provided for everything as told,
and when everything was ready they informed Joseph.
Joseph then knelt down with his whole house, prayed and commended himself and all his family into the hands of the Lord.
When he had finished praying, praising and glorifying God, he heard a voice which seemed to come from outside the house, saying:
'Joseph, oh faithful son of David, who was a man after the heart of God!
When David went out to battle with the giant, there was with him the hand of the angel whom the Lord placed at his side, and behold, your father became a mighty victor!
But with you is He Himself who always was, who created heaven and earth, who in Noah's time let it rain forty days and nights and let drown all men contrary to Him,
who gave Isaac to Abraham, who led your people out of Egypt and terribly talked to Moses on Sinai!
Behold, He now is in your house bodily and will also journey with you to Bethlehem - so be without fear, for it will not be permitted that one hair on your head be harmed!'
When Joseph heard these words he was glad, thanked the Lord for this grace and promptly had all prepared themselves for the journey.
He took Mary and set her on the she-ass as softly and comfortably as he possibly could and then took the reins in his hand and led the pack animal.
The sons grouped themselves about the loaded cart and went with it after the pacing donkey.
After a while Joseph handed the reins to his oldest son, and he himself walked at Mary's side, since she sometimes became weak and was not able to hold herself in the saddle alone.
