God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 14 -

See, There In The Hill Is A Cave

THUS THE TRULY DEVOUT group of travelers came within six hours of Bethlehem and rested in the open.
Here Joseph looked toward Mary and saw that she must be full of pain, so he thought quite disconcertedly,
'What is the matter? Mary's countenance is filled of pain, and her eyes are filled with tears. Perhaps her time presses her?'
Therefore Joseph looked at Mary again more closely, and behold, this time he found to his great surprise that she was laughing.
At this he asked her, 'Mary, tell me, what is going on in your heart? For I first see your face filled with pain, and then laughing and radiating great joy!'
And Mary said to Joseph: 'See, I now have two nations before me! The one wept, so I wept with it out of sympathy.
But the other walked before me laughing, and I was filled with joy and happiness, and had to laugh along with it and take part in its joy.3 - That is all that drew pain and joy from my face.'
When Joseph heard this he was reassured, for he knew that Mary oftentimes had visions; accordingly he had the journey resumed and went up toward Bethlehem.
When they came close to Bethlehem, Mary suddenly announced to Joseph,
'Listen to me, Joseph! That which is within me begins to press me with great force, so call a halt!'
Joseph was thoroughly alarmed at Mary's sudden announcement, for he now realized that her time had come.
He therefore called a sudden halt, whereupon Mary hastily said to Joseph,
'Lift me down from the donkey, for That which is in me presses me mightily and wants to leave me - and I cannot resist Its force any longer!'
At this Joseph declared, 'But in heaven's name! You can see that an inn is nowhere in sight - where then shall I put you?'
And Mary said, 'See, there in the hill is a cave - it can hardly be a hundred steps to there. Bring me there - it is impossible for me to go on!'
Thereupon Joseph led his party of travelers to there and with great good luck found some hay and straw in this cave, since it served the shepherds as a stable in time of need, and immediately had a makeshift bed prepared for Mary.
