God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 133 -

A Roman Marvels At The Child's Power

AFTER A LONG PAUSE of boundless astonishment the garrison commander approached Cyrenius quite meekly and stated,
'Your highness! I know that these people have devoted much time to the study of nature, as a number of illustrious leaders of Rome also have.
As for me, I have always been more of a soldier than a scholar in the field of nature.
But this most singular occurrence which here took place before our eyes compels me to reflect in the matter.
Still I am unable to find any explanation other than the miraculous, which can only be explained by the remarkable power of this Jewish Child!
Should there actually be no other cause? Should there not be certain secret laws of nature, by means of which this must be effected just as surely as otherwise rain, hail and snow?
Oh give me a little light here, so I too may understand the matter a little and not have to stand here like a lost sheep.'
Here Cyrenius admitted to the commander, 'Oh friend, you have made a poor start by turning to me in this matter,
for I understand just as little about it as you do. That such surely happened according to a law is certain.
But how the law is constituted will hardly be known by anyone other than the great Lawgiver of nature.
Now whether we mortals are justified in asking the great Lawgiver how such laws are constituted - that is something which I, for one, just do not know!'
The commander continued, 'See, your highness, over there is the wise Jew with his wonderful Child and the two most remarkable youths who this morning completely upset our tranquility with their shining garments.
How would it be if we turned to them in this most remarkable matter?'
Cyrenius said, 'Try it, if you have the courage!
I am lacking in it on this occasion, for I now perceive very clearly that they are beings of quite another kind than we are.'
The commander replied, 'I would not say that I lack the courage,
but if your highness is of that opinion then I certainly will not be a party to high treason and am content with my ignorance.'
Joseph now said to Cyrenius, 'Brother, have all get ready to leave, for the sun is already inclining noticeably.'
Cyrenius did this, and in a short time the return trip began. This occurred without any hindrance, and in two hours all were back at the villa again.
