God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 134 -

The Lord Always Knows The Best Way

WHEN THEY arrived at the villa, the party was greeted in a most friendly way by the sons of Joseph and especially by the youths who remained there.
The sons then showed Joseph all they had done in the meantime and how they had faithfully carried out his wishes.
The oldest son immediately told Joseph of all the remarkable things that had taken place during his absence in the vicinity of Ostracine.
'Quite especially,' he related, 'did the sudden fire in the governor's residence frighten all the inhabitants in the city!
But when they were attempting to put out the blaze, the great fire went out all of a sudden and no trace of it was to be seen anymore.
Thereupon we suddenly noticed that the mountain was being enveloped in fiery clouds, and a thousand bolts of lightning crisscrossed each other.
At this we thought of Sinai which could well have looked like that at the time of the great revelation of God to our fathers.
We then were greatly concerned about you, but the youths reassured us and said that no one would be harmed in the least.
When the mountain was totally enveloped in fiery clouds, behold, we were greatly frightened
because three tremendous lions sprang toward us in great haste from the path leading up the mountain.
This greatly frightened us, but the youths said: Do not be afraid, for these animals seek protection in the home of Him whom all things must obey! -
And so it was! The three lions quickly went inside our wagon shed, where they are resting peacefully.
After the storm we went there with several of the youths and looked at the giant beasts,
and they arose and made signs of unmistakable submission and friendliness!'
Here Joseph responded, 'I see, my son. We have also experienced all that! You have made your story almost too long.
All of you go now and set the table, for we all need to restore ourselves, since the mountain has tired us a bit.'
The sons and the other youths now hurried into the kitchen and the dining room and in a short time put everything in the best order.
Cyrenius now observed, 'Truly, it greatly surprises me that these three beasts, instead of going into hiding in their caves, sought protection here.
Perhaps they will stay with this house and watch it faithfully as this breed of animals has done in similar circumstances.'
Joseph affirmed, 'Everything is right with me that is right and pleasing to the Lord!
But it may also be that these animals will follow you as a protection to your ship.'
And Cyrenius said,'If the Lord wishes it, then I will surely agree to it - although the Lord can also protect me without these lions!'
Here the three came forth and took their stand around Cyrenius and indicated their friendship to him.
At this Cyrenius said, 'Now that is indeed strange - you, dear brother, need only to say something and it already happens!'
And the two youths stated, 'These three animals will serve you well this very night.
For the Lord always knows what means are best suited to help anyone.
Such animals have not infrequently been in the divine service, hence they are also chosen now to serve you in a matter which awaits you. And so be it!'
