God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 135 -

A Treacherous Attack

AFTER THIS DISCUSSION the three lions again left Cyrenius and withdrew to their wagon shed.
Cyrenius still wished to discuss this appearance with Joseph, but Joseph's sons came just then and let him know that the meal was prepared and the table was set.
At this Joseph promptly invited the whole gathering to come into the dining room and to refresh themselves with food and drink.
In answer to this invitation everyone now went into the dining room and ate the blessed foods and stilled their thirst with lemon juice and water.
After the meal, which lasted for an hour, Joseph thanked God and blessed all of the guests present.
Here the Baby called Cyrenius over, and when he approached Him in the greatest humility, He said to him,
'Cyrenius, tonight you will be attacked by a small, traitorous band in your sleeping-chamber.
I am therefore sending the three lions along with you, so leave them in the chamber with you when they follow you!
When the traitorous horde enters your chamber it will suddenly be attacked by the three lions in the fiercest manner and will be torn to pieces,
but you will not be harmed in the least thereby! So do not be afraid of the three lions, for these fully know you to be their lord.'
Cyrenius thanked the Baby most fervently in his heart as also did his wife Tullia, but she knew nothing of what the Baby had just discussed with Cyrenius.
When it was quite late in the evening, Cyrenius took his leave with his entire company, repeated once more his invitation for the following day and having been blest went his way into the city.
When he entered his sleeping-chamber, the three lions were already at hand and stoutly accompanied Cyrenius into the great chamber.
And when he went to his couch with Tullia, the lions took their places around it, steadily keeping their eyes on the entrance door.
The servants of Cyrenius went in and out a number of times, but the lions paid no attention to them.
During the second watch in the night, twenty muffled men treading very stealthily came into the sleeping-hall of Cyrenius and very quietly approached his couch.
But when they were hardly five more steps away from the couch and pulled out their daggers,
the three lions amid the most fearful roars suddenly pounced on them and tore them to pieces in a few moments, and not one escaped this attack.
For none was prepared for such an attack - at the first pounce all fell into the greatest fear and confusion and did not even think of defending themselves.
For that reason not one found his way out and consequently fell prey to the fury of the lions.
Thus Cyrenius was marvelously saved during this night by the three lions and was not a little amazed the next morning when he beheld the dismembered corpses in the great sleeping-hall.
