God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 139 -

An Example Of Compassion

THE TREACHEROUS SERVANT stood in a corner of the hall and in his heart regretted the step which he had undertaken against his master -
but no one thought of him, for all were engaged in profound discussions.
Besides, the faithful servants of Cyrenius were busily occupied right and left arranging for the banquet, in the kitchen and with the setting up of all manner of ornaments.
Thus the servants did not think of their beyond all measure sad comrade.
Here the three lions suddenly arose and trotted over to the rueful servant of Cyrenius, licked him and showed him their sympathy by various gestures.
Maronius was the first to notice what the three lions were doing with the servant and made this known to Cyrenius,
for Maronius feared that the three beasts might perhaps get an appetite for the servant.
When Cyrenius noticed this strange situation of his treacherous servant he began, for the first time, to discuss the offence of this servant with Joseph.
And Joseph assured him: 'Friend and brother, here is an example of what I advised you to do only a short while ago and explained to you how a drop of compassion is better than a whole palace filled with the best intentioned justice!
The three animals here are giving you a good example - go over and as a human being do something better!
On the way over from the villa I heard from one of the servants of the Lord how you praised these three animals to your wife this morning.
How then is it that these three animals are even now showing you what you should have done in the first place?
'See, thus does the Lord constantly instruct the children of men.
Nothing in the world happens in vain - even from the turning of a mote in the sun can one learn true wisdom.
For it is guided by the same wisdom and omnipotence of God and is supported like the sun and the moon of heaven.
All the more then can you look on this occurrence as a very strong hint of the Lord, which clearly tells you what you should do.
Go over and lift up the three-fold poor and deeply fallen one; go and lift up an extremely sad and repentant brother.
For the Lord has now prepared him for you that he may be a most faithful brother to you.'
When Cyrenius heard this from Joseph, he hurried over and grasped the servant under the arms and said,
'Brother, you have acted ill against me, but since I found remorse in you, I raise you up again!
And from now on you shall no more walk at my side as a servant, but as a faithful brother.'
This broke the servant's heart, and he began to weep aloud and to lament that he could have sinned against such nobility of a man among men.
