God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 141 -

A New Ark Of The Covenant

BY THIS TIME the morning meal was ready and the tables were nicely set,
and the servants came and made this known to Cyrenius.
Cyrenius now inspected everything, found it to be in the best order and invited the company to the table in the great side-hall.
When Joseph went inside he was greatly astonished, for it seemed to him that here in this hall he was in a miniature temple of Solomon in Jerusalem.
Now this arrangement was the work of Maronius Pilla who as former prefect of Jerusalem naturally knew quite well how the temple looked inside and out.
Joseph was filled with joy and said, 'Truly, my brother Cyrenius Quirinus, you could not have put a better thought into effect.
I am now at the Feast of Preparation as in Jerusalem. Only the Holy of Holies is missing - if This were here also, the temple would be complete.
The curtain is indeed here, but behind it the Ark of the Covenant is missing!'
Cyrenius responded, 'Brother, I thought that you would bring along the Holy of Holies alive anyhow - why then should It be here artificially?'
Only now did Joseph recover from his unexpected illusion and thought of the Baby and of Mary.
The Baby now called Cyrenius over and said to him (at this the angels fell down on their faces):
'Cyrenius, you have done much to provide a pleasure for the most righteous man on the earth, but one thing you almost forgot!
See, today you are giving a great and glorious feast.
Whatever three continents bring forth that is best and precious is assembled here today.
And therein you do well - for truly, throughout all eternity and infinity no greater honor has befallen a house in any world than now befalls yours!
For you now have Him before you before whom all the powers of heaven cover up their faces.
Joseph has indicated to you that the Holy of Holies in this temple is empty.
So it is - but so it shall not be.
Send out your servants and they shall bring here all manner of poor, blind, lame, crippled and afflicted people.
Have a table set up for these in the imitated Holy of Holies and have them festively served, and My servants will wait on them.
And behold, then the Holy of Holies will be alive and will represent the Most Holy One better than the now empty Ark of the Covenant in Jerusalem.
At the same time provide three billy goats and throw them to the lions so they will also be fed.'
Cyrenius thereupon kissed the Baby and at once followed His advice.
And in one hour the prototype of the Holy of Holies was filled with the poor, and the lions received their fare.
