God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 146 -

Joseph Defines True Love Of God

THE CAPTAIN now asked the lesser priest no more but went right over to Joseph again,
promptly told him all he had heard from the lesser priest
and asked Joseph how seriously he should take all that.
Joseph answered: 'For the time being place only as much value on what has been told you as the words in themselves are worth,
but await everything else in patience as the future brings it and you will fare best.
See, the holy kingdom of the Messiah does not consist in asking and answering,
but solely in patience, love, gentleness of manner and in complete submission to the divine will.
For with God nothing can be unduly hurried, nothing forced and least of all can anything be obtained from Him by obstinacy.
When the Lord considers it to be good for you, He will also lead you into the higher revelation.
So conceive an immediate, living love to the God I have just revealed to you in all clarity - in this manner you will arrive where you really seek to be in the shortest possible time.
Yes, such love will at once give you more life than you might gain with a million dead questions.'
The captain agreed, 'Good, my highly honored, truly wise friend! I will do all that - but you must tell me this: How does one love your God, about whom one still knows too little?'
And Joseph replied: 'As you love your brother and your eventual bride, so also love God!
Love your fellow men as nothing but brothers and sisters in God, and in that way you will also love God.
Do good at every opportunity, and you will have God's grace.
Be compassionate toward everyone, and you will also find the true, living compassion with God.
Furthermore, keep your temper in all things, be gentle and full of patience, and flee vanity, pride and jealousy like the plague -
'then will the Lord awaken a mighty flame in your heart
and the powerful light of this spiritual flame will banish all the black shades of death from within you, and you will find all your questions answered in a most splendid and quickening manner!
See, that is the right way to the light and life coming from God. That is the right kind of love toward God - this road tread.'
When the captain received this forceful doctrine from Joseph, he desisted from his many still remaining questions and became deeply absorbed in thought.
At the same time the curtain was drawn widely apart by the youths, and Joseph saw that the time had come to go into this imitation of the Holy of Holies.
And while they were still at the entrance to this great hall, a mighty shout of thanks rose toward them from the poor guests.
But when the splendidly dressed Cyrenius with Joseph and Mary with the Baby stepped into the imitated Holy of Holies for the first time, the poor ones were beside themselves.
This sight cost Cyrenius many tears of joy and sympathy, as it did Joseph and Mary.
There were many blind, lame and cripples of all kinds among them, for they numbered into the hundreds.
Here Mary prayed secretly, then took the cloth with which she often daubed the Baby and daubed the eyes of all the blind therewith - and all regained their sight. After this deed the praising and extolling just would not end, so the company returned to the main hall for a short time.
