God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 147 -

The Healing Of The Afflicted Guests

AFTER A WHILE the exalted company returned to the imitated Holy of Holies and was again received with the greatest praise.
And the lame, the crippled and those otherwise afflicted cried, 'Oh you glorious mother who did help the blind, we beg you, free us also from our great anguish!'
Mary replied: 'Why do you call to me? I can give you no aid - for I, like you, am only a weak mortal handmaiden of my Lord.
Now the One I carry upon my arms can indeed help you, for in Him dwells the eternal fullness of the divine omnipotence!'
But the sick did not listen to Mary's talk and cried all the more, 'Oh glorious mother, help us, help us wretches and make us free from our suffering!'
Here the Baby sat up and stretched forth His hand over the sick - and they all were completely healed in an instant.
The lame sprang like harts, the crippled became straight as the cedars of Lebanon, and all the other afflicted were freed from their ailments.
And the angels then went over to all of these poor, told them to remain silent and informed them of the nearness of the kingdom of God on earth.
This occurrence brought the captain out of his deep meditation, and he also went into the Holy of Holies after the others.
Arrived there, he went directly over to Joseph and asked him, 'Most worthy friend, what happened here? I just do not see any more blind, nor lame, nor crippled or other afflicted!
What? Have they all been healed by a miracle, or was their former wretched condition only a sham?'
And Joseph responded, 'Go over and discuss that yourself with those who now are such a riddle to you. They will best be able to tell you what has now taken place with them.'
The captain promptly did what Joseph had advised him to do, for the asking of questions was after all this captain's weak side.
But everywhere he received one and the same answer, for each one replied, i became well in a miraculous manner!'
Here the captain returned to Joseph and asked him,
'Which one of you actually caused the miracle? Who among you possesses such marvelous power? Which one of you is therefore surely of God?'
Joseph now said, 'See, there the poor ones who were healed still stand.
Go over to them again and ask them - they will surely give you the right indication.'
The captain promptly went over to the poor again and inquired after the miracle worker.
But the poor said, 'Look at the great company - from its middle the healing came to us marvelously!
The little Jewess seems to bear the power. But how? The gods will know that better than we.'
Now the captain did not know much more than before.
Joseph then advised the captain, 'See, you are a wealthy man of Rome - provide for these poor ones now out of love to God, and you will find out more! And be content with that for now!'
