God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 162 -

James Explains A Passage From David

AFTER A WHILE Joseph went closer to James and asked him from whence such power in his breath came.
And James answered, 'Dear father, I heard a voice within me which said to me:
Breathe the blind man in the face, and he will be given perfect sight again!
See, I steadfastly believed this voice within me, did according to its word, and the blind man sees!'
Joseph asked, 'That is no doubt as you have spoken,
but whence came the powerful voice within you? How did you hear it?'
The questioned James replied: 'Dear father, do you not see Him upon my arms who now plays with my curls?
I think He was the One who spoke this to me within me in such a wondrous way.'
Joseph continued to inquire of James saying,
'Do you really believe that the Baby is still the right one? Do you not think that He might have been interchanged on us?'
And James answered, 'Who or what power can there be that is able to trade off the Almighty?
The angels surely did always fall on their faces when the Baby spoke most marvelously - how then should they be able to act thus with Him, the Almighty?
I therefore hold the Baby to be the original and genuine One just as surely and truly as I have never believed in an interchange of children!'
Here Joseph said, 'My dear son, you have not given me a very firm proof of your faith here.
See, thus speaks David himself, when he says: Why do the heathen rage, and the people speak a vain thing?
The kings in the land rise up, and the lords counsel together against the Lord and His Anointed and say:
Let us rend His bands and throw from us His cord!
See, my son, the words are spiritual, and the kings are the powers, and the land is the great realm of the invisible powers! - But what do these have in mind? Of what do they speak?
Is not the possibility indicated therein that they can also lay their hands on the Lord?'
And James replied: 'Certainly, if the Lord should permit it.
But it already states in the beginning of this song, asking: Why do the heathen rage, and why do the people speak a vain thing?
Does not David actually wish to describe the impotence of such powers against the Lord?
For it does emphatically say farther down: But He who lives in heaven laughs at them and derides them!
He will speak to them one day in His anger, and with His wrath He will frighten them!
Dear father, I would say these two stanzas of the great singer of God sufficiently justify my belief.
For they are enough to tell me that the Lord always remains the Lord and no interchange can be carried out against Him!'
Joseph was amazed at his son's wisdom and with his whole house again went back to the acceptance of the genuine Baby and honored and praised God therefor.
