God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 176 -

Some Old Fables About The Moon

WHEN HE ARRIVED in the house, Jonathan said to Joseph, 'Brother, what will come of this most unfortunate situation?
By my poor life, just look out of that window! The whole moon has been eaten up hide and hair!
And it is now terrifyingly dark outside!
Yes, yes, I have often heard it said by greatly learned pagans that man should not count the heavenly orbs nor gaze at them too attentively -
for it then could easily happen that they would fall down to earth!
And if a man should happen to chance upon his own guiding star, and it fell down, the man would be lost and done for!
Now the moon is also a heavenly body and may be subject to the same strange law!
So it might be that we hit upon it and it fell down to earth somewhere in pieces; for I saw a number of particles fly away from it.
Or we are now bewitched by the moon and will become moonstruck, which will be a great affliction for us!
One thing is certainly the case: it is obvious that the moon does not exist any more - but who devoured it or where it went is quite another question!'
Here Joseph said, 'Do you know, I have heard a number of times that the moon as well as the sun become darkened.
Now that could easily be the case now, although I myself cannot recall ever having seen anything like it!
But I have heard from old people that at times the angels of God polish these two heavenly lights as we do a lamp, once the wick becomes defective -
during which time it naturally gets a bit dark on the earth. That may be happening now!
For the fable that a dragon begins to devour both heavenly bodies is too stupid and is nothing but paganism.'
While Joseph and Jonathan were thus discussing the moon, it began to re-emerge on the other side.
The children and the sons of Joseph noticed this and exclaimed, 'Look, look, the moon is becoming visible again!'
The pair looked outside, and a stone fell from Jonathan's heart because he now could see the moon again.
Here Joseph again asked the little Child how this came about.
And the little Child said, 'Just let the meager moon come out from behind the shadow which the earth casts, and then we will see if it has changed any!
The earth is after all no infinitely great body, but is as round as the orange which I ate a little while ago
and floats free in an infinite space; hence the sun's rays can always cover the earth.
Thus the great earth must also throw a shadow, and if the moon enters into this it is darkened, since it is also illuminated by the sun. Any more I shall not tell you!' At this Joseph and Jonathan looked at each other and could not think of anything to add thereto.
