God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 177 -

A Perfect Earth In Miniature

AFTER A WHILE Jonathan said to Joseph, 'Brother, now who would ever have let it enter his head, even in a dream, that the earth might be an enormously large globe.
So we inhabit only the surface of this globe?
But what about the sea? Does that also belong to the globe, or does the actual solid earth-globe float on it?'
Here the little Child bestirred Himself and stated, 'So all of you may not lose your beneficial sleep for all this futile speculation, I shall have to free you from your delusion!
Step closer, and you, James, hurry and bring another especially nice orange.'
When the orange was brought, the little Child took hold of it and said:
'Behold, that is the earth! I now want this orange to become a perfect likeness of the earth on a smallest scale with mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes, oceans and also inhabited places built by men. So be it!'
At that moment there appeared on the hand of the little Child a perfect globe of the earth in miniature - which upon the 'So be it!' had in fact become a hundred times larger than the orange.
The ocean, the rivers, lakes, mountains as well as the cities were to be seen on this globe just as they actually were.
Everyone now pressed up close to look at this wonderful creation of the earth on a minute scale.
Joseph soon found Nazareth and Jerusalem thereon and was amazed at their perfect likeness.
Eudokia soon found Thebes in her homeland and was amazed at its perfect representation.
Thus Rome was also found as well as a great many other known localities.
The inspection of this globe lasted over an hour and seemed never to come to an end.
Even Mary enjoyed looking at this little earth so much that she became greatly animated by her observations.
And the eight children held their eyes glued to this miniature earth as if they had been turned to stone.
The little Child now explained the nature of the earth in great detail like a professor of geography, and all understood His words.
When the little Child had completed His explanation, He said to James,
'James, now take a string and hang this globe somewhere so it hangs free, that those thirsting after knowledge will find something to occupy them tomorrow also!
But for today let us forget this earth and go to rest after the evening meal;
for I have become hungry and thirsty during the time you fed on the moon and on the earth.'
Here Joseph immediately ordered the kitchen master Joel to prepare an evening meal and to put it on the table. And Joel went with the other three brothers and prepared a good evening meal.
